prodigal spouse testimonies

My husband left home three years ago, and its been a turbulent time for both of us. The term "prodigal" is actually someone who "spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; a spendthrift." It's someone who "drives away or squanders" what they have. The son of loving devout Muslim parents, Nabeel Qureshi was clean-cut, well-educated, kind, respectful, and quite happy with his life. Rosaria was an English professor at a small liberal arts college, who hated the way Christians spoke against her beliefs and community. But in the end, he chose to follow where he saw the evidence leading himthis is his story. I have learned that when we finally surrender things to God, we have such peace! My heart has gone bitter. Some of them grew up in Sunday School. Thank you for your testimony. The days went by and he didnt call so on December 5th 2010.I called him..he refused to take my calls so I texted him only to be told that he wasnt interested in me and I should go on with my life.that I should never call or text him again..that was like a dagger through my heartI felt as though someone had literally ran a knife straight through my stomach and was twisting it repeatedly..but that isnt the worse yet.. I was greatly deceived and believed that God was calling me to leave my family and pursue my "soul mate." I kept running in the opposite direction of where God was calling me back home. It's all a LIE, but we don't know that. And those things came by the Holy Spirit working in my wifes life. If he had been peaceful, okay with me leaving if thats what I chose to do, and confident, I wouldnt have known what to do with the situation. One of the more frequent type of emails we have received over the years since we have been online is from married couples, where one of the spouses has left the other one for another partner. After reading your post, I am encouraged on a new level. God will keep his promise. God wont leave me alone! And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am going through the same thing as crystal right now My HUSAND left over a simple argument and is talking to someone from his past told me he was done and he give up , and he's trying to blame me for our marriage , but I believe God and have faith that he will return ! The son would have said, If only you had left me alone for one more day, I would have made all my money back because I was investing in pork bellies.. You cant give up even if you want to. Satan is defeated and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our Restored Marriage Testimonies when we stand on the power and promise of Gods Word for the restoration of our marriages and families just as declared in Revelation 12:10-11. In just a few sentences Prodigal Yet captures the plight of the straying child who isnt quite ready to give up the high life in the far country: Muck of the sty, reek of the trough, Dear Spouse, Its me, your lost beloved. Our sin, our compromise, and our deceit always injures our spouse, our children, our friends, and our family. Even though I was fighting the drugs, I still woke up every morning and read a chapter in my BibleIf nothing else good happened in my life, at least I was going to hear God every day. Ashley Smith. So we are all blessed that the Lord has worked so mightily in the hearts, minds, spirits and circumstances of our prodigal members and that they are willing to share their unique Prodigal Perspective and give us a much clearer understanding of what REALLY happens on the other side of the mountain; because just As declared in Genesis 50:20, what Satan intended for harm and evil, God ALWAYS intended for good and for the saving of many livesand in this case, for the saving of many marriages and families as well! But a priest gave her a pamphlet describing Gods love something Angela had never heard before. Thats always step one for the prodigal. God Bless you! The world knows this. they struggled with feelings of guilt and shame, what REALLY happens on the other side of the mountain. It's really important when standing for a marriage to do everything you're able to build your faith. Thank You! For those of you who have been on the receiving end of adultery, you know exactly what I am talking about. In spite of all this , I believed he loved me just as much as I loved himyou could imagine my surprise and heart break when one day after a short disagreementand I mean short.lasting no more that a few beloved husband packed his clothes and walked out of my life. You are hurting; you are broken. I am going through exactly same marriage problem like Crystal. You say you know God. But, please, dont stop! Ill try to be as brief as possible but I really dont want to leave any detail matter how small, because it may be the very thing God wants to use to inspire and encourage a stander or prodigal spouse. But, for some reason, you cant stop thinking of your prodigal. This has given me so much encouragementthank you so much for posting it. I have been separated for almost a year, and have experienced many blessings along the way. This is my story exactly!! I could not see beyond the circumstances however, or the BIG PICTURE of what He had in store for us. Underlying all this are two bits of very important theology: 1. Some were preachers. My husband prayed for me and was the one standing for our marriage during that time. I didnt feel like I deserved to come home or to be received by my wife. At this point the captain (who is no doubt a pagan) has more faith than Jonah does. And Im no longer crying or begging my husband to save our family and showing him that Im okay. Posted And if they get our prayers, they might one day listen to our sermons. Another thing she did when she went on the offensive was to plead the blood of Jesus around the situation. Nabeel, like Rosaria Butterfield (above) had everything to lose and seemingly nothing to gain for rejecting his Muslim roots and turning to Christ. Have you ever been touched, inspired, or challenged by someones personal history? God kept reminding me of my vows to my husband, and the choice I made to be married until death do us part that I made long ago I simply could not forget, no matter how hard I tried. I turn my music up to drown out the noise, and advertisements for marriage restoration play on the radio. He can send the storm of the sudden death of a loved one. He put on my feet the shoes that miss Just another thing for God to Handle. I found Roberts prayer for Hedge of Thorns and I am bringing out the big guns now. The Prodigal Spouse Resource Center is a password protected section of our website. The world generally doesnt care about what we say and do on Sunday morning. I have learned lots during my journey of learning how to be a stander. How many times have we returned with our head hung to our Lord, full of shame, yet found Him with open arms ready to separate our sin from us as far as the East is from the West if we only repent? Scripture taken from New King James Version. You are never out of reach of God's love - no matter what mistakes you have made. I had built my life around my husband and now he was goneI felt like I lost the better part of me..I couldnt eat.I couldnt eat .I didnt want to socialize and I forced myself to go to work..but God had a plan.even though all seemed lostGod was turning my situation around even as I was hurting..what the devil meant for evil God was turning around for good. All rights reserved. I have been standing for my marriage for six months now with no communication from my husband. Its not his will for divorce. It was hard to believe that he had once gone through such horrible experiences, and that they had twisted him into a hate-filled, bitter man for a period of time. As my husband led me through the front door, colorful balloons and handmade signs adorned the living room wall. At the End of the Year, Are You Just Trying to Get Attention? This is such an encouragement to me today! It was all working out like he had planned. Not a chance. But no more! He can send the storm of trouble in your church. Hes going to seduce you with anger, bitterness, sex, and anything else he can to eliminate your will to press forward in this battle. A lifestyle publication. God brought me to my knees when there was nothing and no one else that could help me. I realized that something inside of me was not right and led me on a journey far away from the people that I once loved. I keep having one bad thing after another happening to me. So take the word of this testimony to heart and be blessed and encouraged as you use it to defeat and hurl down the devil the next time he comes calling to steal, kill and destroy your marriage (an earthly representation of our relationship with Christ Ephesians 5:29-32 and 1 Corinthians 11:7), the word of YOUR testimony (that overcomes him Revelation 12:10-11) and your righteousness, peace and joy (what the kingdom of heaven is all about Romans 14:17)!). It was also hard to hear him (the crowd was large and he was an old man at that point). Fight for Your Marriage Podcast; Videos; Store; Contact. He flooded my heart with loves white light; (Ezekiel 34:11). We may think that someone has hit rock bottom when they are still scheming a way out of their problems. They stay home, stay in bed, wake up late, take a walk, read the paper, watch TV, and in general live as if the church doesnt exist. Jonah was the sinner in this situation, and yet his foolish rebellion endangered everyone around him. Yet she did it anyway. I cant seem to get ahead; people are angry with me; my life is upside down. It has become hard because the enemy deceived me, and the entire time I was running, I knew it was wrong. Only when I finally gave it all to God and felt that peace did everything start to fall into place. I know that many who read my words have prodigals in your life. It has become hard because the enemy deceived me, and the entire time I was running, I knew it was wrong. He commands us to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). The one spouse who has been left behind then starts praying to God to bring their spouse back home. No chance to tread in the narrow path; When good student and obedient son Christopher Yuan turned his back on his family and embraced drugs, homosexuality, promiscuity, and rebellion, his mother Angela (who was struggling through a failing marriage) decided to kill herself. So The Prodigal Perspective section of The FAM Fellowship website is a great source of encouragement because it contains the very revealing and powerful testimonies of those who had once abandoned their marriages and/or were once caught up in adulterous relationships and how the Lord spoke to them and brought them back to their senses and their spouses. Ive done all I can to restore my marriage and now I am surrendering it all to God. My heart was sooo hard, and those were the same words my husband spoke to me. Testimony of a Prodigal - You Will Come to the End of Yourself 23,496 views Nov 12, 2017 422 Dislike Share Save Lisa Crum 104 subscribers Candice Harper shares how God reconciled her to Himself. Salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9). God was, but I didnt know that!! Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. God bless you and your family as well and thank you for joining my journey on Heart of a Wife. Eventually, through her interaction with the humble pastor and his wife, and her study of the Bible, Rosaria came to the conviction that God was real and worth believing. He can send the storm of career implosion. I enlisted the help of three persons.a Prophetess, an Apostle, and a church Pastor..these were all spiritual people I knewand strong men and women of GodI knew I wasnt strong in my spirit and my faith was way less than even that of a mustard seed. Thank you, this was very helpful for me going into the weekend. All suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. He put on my hand a ring of gold, But we have to take responsibility for our choices as well. My sense is that you knew Him when you went through your Jonah moments. Stephanie, Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. I thought I was alone and I could find nothing to encourage me as I was the prodigal now praying for the restoration of my marriage. DONT STOP PRAYING AND FASTING! I went through a very long and difficult time before I got a second chance to step in faith and make things right in my life. O church, why arent we praying? I know my marriage is being restored; Im giving it all to him and he WILL restore it as promised in his word. AND DO NOT PICK IT BACK UP!! And when you are at peace with the thought of them leaving, your blessing of restoration is on its way. We claim to know the living God. His decision was very shocking and hurtful. Our Testimony to Rejoice Marriage Ministries. Shes in Gods handmy family is in Gods hand and He will restore my marriage in Jesus name! Even in hard times, offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and keep any vow or promise you have made to Him, and see what He will do! That wont change no matter how much we preach against it. He filled my body with meat and wine, Yet at the same time, I thought I had done too much or wandered too far, and I couldnt forgive myself. (Theres no escape from a ring, they say) So began the arduous, years-long journey of one determined mother who prayed and trusted God to save her drug-hardened, cold-hearted son, even while Christopher ran further and further into sex, drugs, and illegal activities. PRAY THEM OUT!!! Hebrews 4:16 (LogOut/ My husband has left again for the fifth time, claiming that hes not sure if he can love me the way I need. (After the knowledge gained from his experiences debating Nabeel, David today continues to wrestle with Muslim ideology through his ministry, Acts 17 Apologetics). Please listen to meif my husband had been treating me nice, praising me, encouraging me, showing me respect and unconditional love, I would have been blown away. Some were missionaries. There is a voice within every prodigal that tells them what they are doing is wrong. About two weeks ago, I decided to give it all to God and just as told would happen, a remarkable peace came over me since giving it to Him. I was deceived and left my husband for another man. God bless all of our marriages and families. There she squandered everything on clubbing with men half her age. Its good that our heavenly Father does not Give up on His children! The thought of going home seemed like it would only be going backwards, and into a life that would not fulfill me. I hope that sharing my story gives others great hope for the restoration of their covenant marriage and that they can heal from such devastating circumstances too. Rosaria Butterfield. We lived like strangers in our routine of go to work, come home, take care of the children and repeat it all over again. Do you remember what happened to the prodigal son in Luke 15? I made a promise to God and to myself that WHEN he restored my marriage, I would testify and tell the world.I would share EVERY single detail no matter how shameful and embarrassing it would be, in the hope and knowledge that I would someday be able to bring some kind of hope for a hurting wife or husband who wouldve been going through what I once was. Gods got your number on Speed Dial. Prone to leave the God I love. Your words really touched my heartyou were talking about me in so many ways and I pray for my happy ending. Nabeels story has been updated and is about to be re-released (preorder link, non-affiliate). Wow!! So I promise that from today I will cast all my burdens on the Lord because He cares for me and I will wait on God. I dont even know if this is still an active thread. I pray I find a way to have God move on my behalf. God crushed me and brought me to my knees and after countless hours of repentence, the fog cleared and things became crystal clear. What I learned: The most powerful friendships are those without ulterior motives. The problem is always on the inside. Regardless of what I thought, I had come face-to-face with the miserable consequences of my choices. It's 2years now since he left me and 4 kids for another female. bless you as well! I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart. Rosarias story is unusual in that it is one of the few in which a prodigal had everything to lose and nothing to gain by turning to God. Blacken my soul where none may see. Use this time to complete the work that needs to be done in yourself and let God work on your spouse. My wounds stink and fester because of my foolishness. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. We cant pay our bills. While Susan knows this deeply wounded her son, he never talked about it much or acknowledged it bothered him. It comes from God. This book is written by mother and son, alternating between Christopher and Angelas perspective. I still cried every day but I also engaged in some radical and spiritual warfare for my husband..I spoke the word of God over my marriage EVERYDAY and I prayed hedges of thorns around my husband EVERYDAY..I pleaded the blood of Jesus over him and claimed my marriage in the name of Jesus. But God, He is my lawyer and I am doing exactly what Crystal did! As we see how God deals with Jonah, well discover that God deals with us in the same way when we disobey. Prodigal Spouse Testimonies Michael and Wanda, this book has really helped meI now feel I have the tools and encouragement to do what I have to do I am confident that even though my husband has moved out that God is not done with us! Get up and call on your god! And for many of us, intimacy with anything is a terrifying prospect. As a preview to your own restoration, let me be a testimony that when God fully restores your marriage, your prodigal spouse will have . I cried DAILY AND HOURLYI felt all hope was gone.I mean how do you get someone to love you again when that person is saying I never loved you at all..YOU CANT.BUT GOD CAN. Thank you for reading The Story Of The Prodigal Spouse, I hope this helps!!! Thank you for sharing; your story is my story. Please support our ministry by giving here. Reflection for 29 June5 July 2020 The Atonement Rocks! And thats especially evident in the way God uses the encouragement and insight gained when our members share Their Prodigal Perspective. During that process, Ashley Smith broke free of her own drug addiction and not long after, regained custody of her daughter. He said he wanted to talk and wanted to know if he could come by the househe wanted to know if I could forgive him for what he did and for us to try again at our God will bring them home. The Prodigal Wife - Heart of a Wife The Prodigal Wife I will never forget the day I arrived back home. A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering. God will take whatever level of faith you are operating at with Him and then move to help you out with your current situation as long as you are directly seeking after His help and are willing to fully surrender the entire matter into His hands. For six years, best friends and debate partners David and Nabeel argued back and forth, challenging each other and digging deep to figure out whose beliefs were actually true. It was also then that I started to pray for my husbands heart, and God has truly worked wonderful things to bring us to where we are today. Just look at what God can doHe can do it, you guys!!! But they never gave up, and neither should we. The world is waiting for the church to pray. Glory to God! He is a good, good God! Some went on mission trips. Praying Against Strongholds Over Your Marriage, How To Bring Blessings To Your Restoration. Others were not outwardly prodigals, or were not aware perhaps that they were missing God in their lives. He began to party heavily with friends, and lost control of himself, so much so that he frightened his own parentsuntil he found out about God and His plans for him, and did a total 180 with his life. Her experience and insight is a perfect illustration of the biblical principles of standing for marriage restoration and confirms just why God teaches us to do what His Word says (Luke 6:46-49); He made us and He knows how we tick! He also says Now I have laid everything at his feet while I work on myself and pray and praise the Lord for the restoration of my marriage. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This is where I am at now, my husband is cold and telling me that its never going to work out! SEAL of God is the story of how Chad Williams came to find a mission even more meaningful than the initial dreams of revenge that drove him through the harshest military training for only the most elite soldiers. Thank You for Following the Lords leading to share your story. If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. . Here is the type of comment I might hear: "my prodigal spouse decided that he wanted a break from our family life. My Father ran with compassion for me. And now Im praying for his heart and for him to forget about the person he was with. Lord, I am stepping out of the way and trusting you and that restoration is already on its way. It moved me to put on the armour of God and pull my Boo back from the Pit as well. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Rogaine 5 $39.14 for pill Buy Now Abana $28.91 for pill Buy Now Allegra Active ingredient: Fexofenadine $0.28 for pill Buy Now. When you walk in the footsteps of the father of the prodig It seems like everywhere I go, God is reminding me to come back home. I am putting it all in Gods hands! Soon he would be in Tarshish, a beautiful city in Spain. The enemy will do everything to destroy your stand and keep your loved one in bondage. Its like God is mad at me or something. We can preach a thousand sermons and the world doesnt care. And your clinginess, desperation and tears make us sick to our stomachs; not because we dont care about youbecause we dowe love you, but it is hidden so deep inside that we cant see or feel it. You cry, you raise your voice, you act desperate, you act mean, etc. Ashley, herself a drug addict who had lost custody of her daughter, had been reading the Bible and The Purpose Driven Lifeand when Brian Nichols captured her, she spoke to him and read to him from the book, resulting in Nichols eventually releasing her to go to her daughter. All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god (vv. marriage, I had released my husband and my marriage to God and I knew God was going to do something. God will show us amazing and wonderful things when we follow what he says. Wow! Satan has his ships, and they are always ready to take on another passenger. NOT COMING BACK. Seeing the danger, he wants Jonah to wake up and start praying. Sign up to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email. 1 Corinthians 15:10. You feel like your whole world has been shattered and that you will never be able to trust your spouse again, even though you are asking God to bring your mate back to you as you cannot stand the pain of that broken heart. We are two completely different people today then we were back then, so there is no reason to ever look back. We may be alone when we sin, but we never sin alone. That has to happen to every prodigal son and daughter, and it cannot be predicted or forced. Thats true about every city in America. Muck of the sty, reek of the trough, Finpecia Active ingredient: Finasteride $0.51 for pill Buy Now Dutas Active ingredient: Dutasteride $1.79 for pill Buy Now Finast Active ingredient: Finasteride $2.08 for pill Buy Now. prodigal spouse testimonieswhat happens if a hospital loses joint commission accreditation. And even if the world doesnt want our religion, it desperately wants our prayers. Oh my word! Writer, musician, reader, daughter. He has his narcotics. Hes got your number written on his heart. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The buyer will recieve these sessions via Facebook Messenger, Text or Phone call, A Prodigal Wife Who Finally StopsRunning, There Is No Human Remedy To Change AProdigal. In it's narrowest definition, it doesn't. Several years ago I ran across the work of a Canadian poet named Ethelwyn Wetherald who lived in the early part of the 20th century. Williams was one of the very few who managed to actually complete SEAL training on his first try. We even think our children will be just fineanother lie. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. Softly, he wept. Lauren Hillenbrand, Unbroken. For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. I know from my own experience during my stand that I need to regularly set aside specific time to pray and allow the Holy Spirit to build my faith and speak to my heart. Jonah is about to learn this truth the hard way. You have to get to a point where you are okay either waywith restoration or without it because you are content with GOD and his love. Up and start praying acknowledged it bothered him gave up, and yet his foolish rebellion endangered everyone him. She squandered everything on clubbing with men half her age of what I surrendering! Marriage, how to bring their spouse back home the circumstances however, or the BIG of... Posting it seemed like it would only be going backwards, and advertisements for restoration. Not Give up on his children complete the work that needs to be re-released ( preorder,... 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prodigal spouse testimonies