It features works by various artists, architects, filmmakers and writers to paint a vision of future scenarios that Singapore will face. From literary cannon to DIY manuals of utilitarian know-how, The Library of Necessary Books is a collection of books that have been lovingly handed down for generations, from the past into the future.
Step into possible futures of Singapore 200 years from now and discover how our lives could evolve due to climate change. The 2219: Futures Imagined exhibition at ArtScience Museum is inspired by the work of Singaporean writer Alvin Pang. 2219: Futures Imagined is on display at Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Ave, Singapore 018956 from 23 November 2019 to 5 April 2020. Masuk dan jadilah bagian dari hal-hal yang mungkin menjadi kehidupan sehari-hari kita 200 tahun mendatang. ArtScience Museum in Singapore projects the future of the world — and invites us to ponder our own fate — with its current exhibition, 2219: Futures Imagined.. Inspired by the work of Singaporean writer and poet Alvin Pang, ArtScience Museum’s ‘2219: Futures Imagined’ puts a different spin on this year’s Bicentennial commemorations by looking 200 years into the future instead of the past. Step into 2219: Futures Imagined and explore how the world might change over the next 200 years in a major exhibition developed by ArtScience Museum.This immersive and experiential exhibition is a journey into imaginary future worlds, featuring over two dozen artists, architects, filmmakers, writers and theatre companies from Singapore and around the world. 2219: Futures Imagined is curated by ArtScience Museum, based on an idea by Alvin Pang, with support from curatorial advisors Annie Jael Kwan and Adriel Luis. 2219: Futures Imagined adalah perjalanan yang menggugah pemikiran menuju dunia di masa depan yang diciptakan melalui serangkaian instalasi nan menghanyutkan, ruang yang menenangkan, film, lukisan, dan pahatan. It is on a bright and sunny afternoon that we arrive at the Lotus in Marina Bay Sands, the distinctive museum perched on the waterfront.
2219: Futures Imagined will run from 23 November 2019 till 5 April 2020. ArtScience Museum Step into possible futures of Singapore 200 years from now and explore how our world … It is co-produced by SPACElogic.
2219: Futures Imagined – Donate a book to The Library of Necessary Books. What will the future look like?” Human beings are fascinated by what will be. At the heart of 2219: Futures Imagined is The Library of Necessary Books. 23 Nov 2019 - 5 Apr 2020. Top image: Gordon Cheung (UK), …
2219: Futures Imagined.
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