and expressions of frequency (once every three months, twice a week, every other day, etc.). Key words: look, listen, now, at the moment, still, at present. 27 terms monikawitk New Hot Spot 3 Module 2 Sport EXTRA Intermediate Quizzes - Intermediate Level English Learning Quizzes for ESL Grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension quizzes for intermediate level students. Nach dem Lösen aller Aufgaben erfährst du, wie gut du diesen Test … This is an English test where teachers can asses the present continuous tense with vocabulary related to places and activities in town. Present Progressive – Exercise 02. Hier kannst du dein Wissen zum Present Progressive testen. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know.

Change the verb into the correct form, then press "Check" to check your answers. And here is the lesson if you would like to review: Present Continuous Lesson You can practice the present continuous with this music exercise: Present Continuous Listening Exercise. We (renovate) our house this week.

The questions are in the style of Key Stage 2 questions. Change the verb into the correct form: 1. How to form the Present Progressive.

Then, they have to look at the pictures and answer three questions .Finally, they have to complete sentences. आज 13 अप्रैल 2020 की ताजा खबरें | 13 april nonstop news| modi news today breaking news - Duration: 12:02. are + verb + ing. New 2. Adverbs of frequency go in mid position (before the main verb or after be ). The bird is singing. Firstly, the students have to do a matching activity. The present perfect form test. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints! Would you like more practice with the present continuous? is + verb + ing. She (paint) her room today. This page is an 18-question test on using the present perfect form.

We are dancing. It is used to indicate actions happening at the time of speaking or used for planned future actions. Test zum Present Progressive mit Bewertung, Schwierigkeit 2. We often use the present simple with adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, etc.) You can also find more resources in our Help Center. am + verb + ing. मौसम समाचार Recommended for you.

These quizzes test basic English learning objectives. The Present Progressive is also called present continuous. Here is the second test: Present Continuous Test 2.

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