sometimes 25% They sometimes go to Starbucks. Mit einem Adverb beschreibt man, wie etwas _____ wird. seldom 5% I seldom see him. Bei Verben der Sinneswahrnehmung wie look, feel, taste, smell … kommt ein

Adverbs of manner Unit 22 - Lösungen Aufgabenstellung: Complete the sentence with either an adverb or an adjective. 1.

Um ein Adjektiv in ein Adverb umzuwandeln, hängt man die Buchstaben _ _ an.

He doesn’t usually wear jeans. often 50% I often exercise in the morning.
Are you often sad? He looked at me _____ when I interrupted him (ANGRY). The children aren’t usually tired after school. Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008 Adverbs of Frequency Exercise 1 Put the adverbs in the box onto the scale in the correct order. 1) You have to write more ... (careful). We use them with the Present Simple tense. 3. usually 75% Mike usually gets up late. To ask about the frequency of an action. I always walk to work. NAME: _____ DATE: _____ GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ADVERBS of FREQUENCY always 100% I always watch TV at night. 2. rarely 5% I rarely see him. AD011 ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB Choose the correct form – adjective or adverb ! He is never late.

• We place the frequency adverbs BEFORE the main verb (in Present Simple). well 3) I slept ... (bad) last night.
How often…? Do you often write letters? good 5) I worked ... (hard). almost always 95% She almost always eats breakfast. hard 6) I was ... (careful). • BUT, we put them AFTER the verb TO BE. hardly ever 5% I hardly ever see … Mit einem Adjektiv beschreibt man _____. carefully 2) You work so ... (good) at school. 1. badly 4) That wasn't a ... (good) test. Adjectives and adverbs – Worksheet 2 EXERCISE 1 Complete the rule!

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