Annapurna Interactive, which has some of the more unique games on the Switch eShop, is currently running a sale. 1. Annapurna Games LLC, doing business as Annapurna Interactive, is a subsidiary of Annapurna Pictures and a video game publisher.

Annapurna Interactive is an American game publisher based in West Hollywood, California, best known for publishing What Remains of Edith Finch, Outer Wilds and Sayonara Wild Hearts..

Rated 5.5/10 (2 votes), viewed 45 times 2. Sayonara Wild Hearts. From now until May 28th, 2020, you can get up to 50% off some of the company's catalog. On Mac, iOS, PS4, Switch by Annapurna Interactive, Simogo. Some notable games released by the company include What Remains …

On platform TBC by company TBC Rated N/A/10 (0 votes), viewed 111 times 3. Annapurna Games, LLC, doing business as Annapurna Interactive, is an American video game publisher. Titles published by the company include What Remains of Edith Finch. The company was founded as a division of Annapurna Pictures on December 1, 2016 as Annapurna's attempt to expand into the interactive game industry. The games publisher is a subsidiary of Annapurna Pictures, a movie and television production company. The company is a division of Annapurna Pictures, and was founded in 2016.

The entire Annapurna Interactive catalog is on sale alongside games from our very close friends. A new Switch eShop sale is up and running from Annapurna Interactive.


Discounts include Gone Home, Gorogoa, Sayonara Wild Hearts, What Remains of Edith Finch, and more. Last Stop.

Top rated Annapurna Interactive games.

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