An intuitive recording interface makes it easy to record, pause, edit audio and more. Features: - record your meetings, personal notes, speeches, lectures, songs - beautiful user interface, easy to understand.

It's likely no one will miss 'What's New,' but the audio recorder had a few interesting features, like online audio … This app is a best choice. Professional-level audio format, the same used in recording studios to create CDs. Digital Voice Recorders. An intuitive recording interface makes it easy to record, pause, edit audio and more. This is the official Sony Audio Recorder application, which makes it easy to record and playback audio on your smartphone or tablet. Xperia Blog reports that Sony's Audio Recorder application, as well as the 'What's New' app (which served as a showcase for other applications) will both be discontinued on September 30th. Audio Recorder, an official app from Sony, offers an intuitive recording interface with easy access to audio-recording, -pausing, and -editing features. Other names which you can call it: voice recorder, audio recorder, sound recorder.

Digital Voice Recorders. The Hi-Res Audio Recorder is an application to record audio tracks of a vinyl record onto your computer in the high resolution format and includes the following features: Recording audio tracks of a vinyl record: Connect the turntable and your computer with the USB cable supplied with the turntable. This is the official Sony Audio Recorder application, which makes it easy to record and playback audio on your smartphone or tablet. In selected markets, we support speech-to … Then, you can record audio tracks in high resolution format (DSD or PCM) from the vinyl record being played on the … Insert a supplemental memory card for greater recording capacity. Plug your digital voice recorder directly into a computer's USB port for one-step file transfer. Plug your digital voice recorder directly into a computer's USB port for one-step file transfer. Insert a supplemental memory card for greater recording capacity. Professional-level audio format, the same used in recording studios to create CDs.

Plus, even though it’s designed specifically for the STM01 stereo microphone, it works on practically any Android device.

- support high quality format file: mp3 - store file on internal storage or SD card

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