He is first cousins with Prince Albert II of Monaco. La princesse Antoinette de Monaco, avec sa fille Elisabeth-Anne de Massy, et la fille de cette dernière Mélanie lors du Gala de la Croix-Rouge monégasque en 2006. Elisabeth-Anne, baroness of Massy Elisabeth-Anne, baronne de Massy * Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 03.07.1947. Perfekte Baroness Elisabeth Anne De Massy 2015 Stock-Fotos und -Bilder sowie aktuelle Editorial-Aufnahmen von Getty Images. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. C'est dans son bureau, au Monte-Carlo Country Club (MCCC), que nous retrouvons Elizabeth-Ann de Massy. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Marriages. Ancestry: Ancestors; Surname; Parents. Membership . Stay safe and healthy. Christian Louis de Massy was born 17 January 1949, the only son of Princess Antoinette of Monaco, Baroness de Massy and her husband, Alexandre-Athenase Noghès.He has two sisters, Elisabeth Anne (1947) and Christine Alix (1951-1989). Information only available for Geneall Plus. Anne Michelle Lütken was born at Oslo kommunale kvinneklinikk, Josefines gate 30 in Oslo on Saturday 28 November 1959 as the first child of Carl Fredrik Lütken and … «Anne Michelle Lütken, formerly married to Baron Christian de Massy, died in London on 25 November 2001. Nov 3, 2014 - Prince Albert II of Monaco with Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy & daughter Melanie Antoinette de Massy at the inaugural Nights in Monaco. Download hochwertiger Bilder, die man nirgendwo sonst findet. In 1972, at the request of H.S.H.

Updated: November 19, 2012 Find the perfect elisabeth anne de massy stock photo. Upon his birth, he was surnamed his mother's last name Grimaldi, due to the dynasty and the fact that … Présidente de la Fédération monégasque depuis 1992, et du MCCC depuis 2008, elle se sent chez elle dans le monde du tennis et n'a jamais tremblé devant les responsabilités. Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy (Prince Albert’s first cousin, the daughter of his father’s sister Princess Antoinette) wore a stylised black bowler hat with black net veil (behind Princess Caroline, below), Her daughter, Mélanie-Antoinette Costello de Massy (beside Princess Stephanie, below), wore a black cloche variation with a square crown, wrapped in a ruched black sash. Baroness Elizabeth-Ann de Massy President Welcome to the Monegasque Tennis Federation website. No need to register, buy now! Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy. Information only available for Geneall Plus. To become a member of the Monte-Carlo Country Club: Fill in the application form joining an identity photo; It is mandatory to have the sponsorship of 2 members, Join a cover letter at the attention of the President of the Club, Baroness Elizabeth-Ann de Massy. The Monegasque Federation contributes to create ties between the Federations and foreign clubs and group the clubs that hitherto existed in the Principality, currently 4.

«Anne Michelle Lütken, formerly married to Baron Christian de Massy, died in London on 25 November 2001. Please Login or Register. Anne Michelle Lütken was born at Oslo kommunale kvinneklinikk, Josefines gate 30 in Oslo on Saturday 28 November 1959 as the first child of Carl Fredrik Lütken and … Prince Rainier III, H.S.H. 8 Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy pictures. Princess Antoinette accepted the position as President of the Club which she retained until 2008 when her daughter the Baroness Elizabeth-Ann de Massy took over her role and continues to modernise and embellish this … The Monegasque Federation contributes to create ties between the Federations and foreign clubs and group the clubs that hitherto existed in the Principality, currently 4. Baroness Elizabeth-Ann de Massy President Welcome to the Monegasque Tennis Federation website.

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