The intent of doom metal is to fill the audience with a … Joined: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:31 pm Posts: 922 Location: United States Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:51 am . You don't need a rapper or some weird masks to make good metal; in fact most of the time, that just makes the metal not metal anymore.

Yiddish Folk Metal klingt bestimmt interessant^^ SimonSeville .

Doom metal is probably one of the oldest metal subgenres, since it draws heavy inspiration from Black Sabbath, one of the first major metal bands. – Oder “25 Subgenres die keiner braucht!

Although there are debates among experts, most consider groups like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple to be the first heavy metal bands. Read other Starter Kit entries here. In all honesty, war metal somewhat misrepresents what this black metal subgenre has to offer. Doom metal puts a focus on slow tempos, low-tuned guitars, and an all-around "thicker" sound.

Und es sind auch ein paar kleine Schreibfehler im Artikel bei den Bandnamen drin. Welcome to! 19. Black Metal und Death Metal kombiniert mit der Folklore Skandinaviens, dazu Texte, die von den Sagen, Schlachten und Mythologien der Wikinger erzählen: Schon befinden wir uns inmitten des Subgenres, das den aussagekräftigen Namen Viking Metal trägt.

Extreme metal consists of a number of related heavy metal music subgenres that have developed since the early 1980s, usually characterized by a more abrasive, harsher, underground, non-commercialized style or sound nearly always associated with genres like black metal, death metal, doom metal, thrash metal, and sometimes speed metal. Januar 2017 bei 13:02 — Antworten. Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion. There are so many heavy metal subgenres that identifying what kind of metalhead you are is an increasingly complex challenge. Let us help you decide. This list may not reflect recent changes (). Browse around by genres and even let autoplay do its work! The term "heavy metal" was first used in a musical sense in the '60s song "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf when they referred to "heavy metal thunder." black metal subgenres Go to page 1, 2 Next. ... Black Metal (early), Gothic Metal (mid), Extreme Metal (later)) Einige Bezeichnungen finde ich trotzdem klasse. Nu metal is false metal and shouldn't be close to the top ten let alone be in it. Most metal subgenres are awesome (prog, thrash, power, death, black etc) but other times, they take metal too far. The purpose of this portal is to provide you with multimedia that you can query by specific subgenres and cross genres of metal. Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; Suffersystem Metalhead . Starter Kit analyzes the ins-and-outs of some of the more obscure and niche sub-genres within the metal spectrum and offers a small group of bands that best represent the sound. Pages in category "Black metal subgenres" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.

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