All of these movies delve into the dangers and opportunities of AI. This item: Westworld - Season 1 [Blu-ray] [2017] by Evan Rachel Wood Blu-ray £32.26. People who are fans of WESTWORLD will likely also like Ex Machina [Blu-ray + Digital HD], The Complete Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix / The Matrix Reloaded / The Matrix Revolutions) [Blu-ray] and Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series [Blu-ray] [Region-Free].
Leider bietet sie kein natives 4K, was unter anderem an Filmkorn gelegen haben mag.

season 1 (SPOILER ALERT), I was excited to see how "Westworld" took over the simulated world. Only 5 left in stock (more on the way).

Erscheinungstermin: 23.

Buy Westworld Season 1 & 2 from Zavvi, the home of pop culture. Come inside to see all the special features that will be included! Fazit : Mit Westworld ist nun auch eine Serie in 4K auf UHD BD erhältlich. This is a show that is bathed in intricate costumes, incredible makeup work, as well as beautiful production design.

Wer Westworld Staffel 1 mit O-Ton (englisch) gucken will kann sich jedoch auf Dolby Atmos freuen.

Gratis Lieferung möglich. Wenn jene nach Daten zu Westworld Staffel 1 Blu Ray suchen, sind welche dort vollends. Take advantage of great prices on Blu-ray, 4K, merchandise, games, clothing and more! It was obvious in season one that the … Serien, Filme, Sammlereditionen. Westworld gallops onto Blu-ray with a pleasing 1.78:1 1080p transfer. Westworld was too confusing and disjointed to comfortably follow. Staffel [Blu-ray] und weitere TV-Serien auf DVD- & Blu-ray in unserem vielfältigen Angebot. Blu-Ray (4K Ultra HD) Blu-Ray [Steelbook] Neu auf DVD & Blu-ray.

HBO's dramatic psychological series, Westworld is coming to Blu-Ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD Digital this fall! 3:51.

Erhältlich als: DVD. My fiancé and I recently upgraded our home entertainment set up, and when purchasing our new Samsung HDR 4K tv, LG 4K Bluray Player, and LG 2.1 Sound Bar, we decided we wanted to pick up our first 4K Blu-ray in order to get the full experience of our new home theater. Westworld: Season 2 [Blu-ray] [2018] by Evan Rachel Wood Blu-ray £16.99.

Wir bieten vollständige Unterlagen im Zuge dessen bereitgestellt, worauf welche stöbern.

von Katrin Hemmerling I 07.09.2017 - 20:56. Sent from and sold by Amazon. Westworld: Season 2 Blu-ray Digipack Unboxing - Duration: 3:51. Review Plus 896 views. Sent from and sold by Amazon. Temporarily out of stock. Shot on film, this series was one of the most expensive shows produced by HBO, and it shows!
How "oldschool" graphics worked Part 1 - Commodore and Nintendo - Duration: 7:08. Deine Online-Videothek präsentiert: Westworld - Staffel 1 aus dem Jahr 2016 - per Post auf DVD zu leihen - per Post auf Blu-ray zu leihen. November 2017. Blu-Ray. One thing that I recommend when watching this season, just the same as season 1, is watch it carefully and pay attention to many details. Westworld Staffel 1 Blu Ray . After having the opportunity to watch. Westworld Staffel 1: Das Labyrinth. I am not surprised that season two's on-line customer ratings tanked. Ein Film aus dem … Trotzdem bietet die UHD BD ein klares Bild und dank HDR satte Farben.

Entdecken Sie Westworld - Die komplette 1.

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