Guitar Tabs Universe Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord. White Christmas. There were also released Spanish and French versions of this song with slight changes in the lyrics and mix.

#-----## "Mary's Boy Child" (Jester Hairston) Comments, corrections, etc. album: "Christmas Album" (1981) Little Drummer Boy. Marys Boy Child by Boney M Chords Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs. Key Variations. G C D7 G Em C D … "Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord" was recorded by Boney M in November 1978 and released on their "Christmas Album" in 1981. welcome G C D G Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible say, G C G D7 G Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day. Play Advices. Chorus: G C D7 G Em C D Hark, now hear the angels sing, a new king born today, and G D/A G/B C G D7 G man will live for evermore, because of Christmas day.

You can also pitch down the record 50 Cent and play without a … Chords Diagrams. Boney M "Mary's Boy Child" Fun Christmas song for the Uke Tuning G - E - A - C [1st Verse] G Long time ago in C Bethlehem Am so the D Holy Bible G say, Mary’s boy C -child Am , Jesus Chr G ist was D born on Ch G ristmas Day.

This is the the original version of the song by Boney M., titled "Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord" with all chords including the modulation after the bridge (for playing along the song, tune down the ukulele a quarter tone and use a capo on the first fret.

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