For the DMP*: 15 May 2020 For all other master's programmes: 15 June 2020 All applicants who have not obtained their degree in Germany must additionally apply online and by post via uni-assist. All applicants for a master study place in Business Administration, Economics, Health Economics, Information Systems, Political Science as well as Sociology and Social Research including our Double Master’s Programmes (DMP) must submit their application via this portal. The four-semester Master's program in International Business (Master of Arts) aims at educating young business professionals who meet current employer demands. Students of the WiSo Faculty wishing to spend a term abroad in spring 2021 within the STAP programme (STAP Bachelor or STAP Master), please note that in light of the current global situation regarding Covid-19, the secondary selection round for bachelor and master students has been postponed and will now take place from 1 June to 15 July 2020. International Degree Programs. TH Köln emphasizes the importance of studying in an international context. Blog-Beitrag: Erfahrung von BWL-Bachelor-Studentin auf Intombi 320px 480px 640px 786px 1024px 1280px 1440px Several Master's programs taught exclusively in English, as well as numerous English-language courses, bear witness to the growing internationality of the university. The bachelor programme Business Administration is a programme designed to take 6 semesters (3 years) and 180 ECTS points have to be obtained. The Studies Abroad Programme for master students includes partnerships with more than 80 universities. CEMS Koeln vs Mannheim Master in Management?
Our graduates are well-versed in the fields of international economics and business administration. The programme consists of the core and advanced section, the specialisation and supplementary section, the “studium integrale” and a bachelor thesis. Until 15 June 2020 you may interrupt editing your online application, save it and continue at a later date. The range of universities available depends on the master course on which the student is enrolled – the possible options are listed in our WiSo EXchange (WEX) International Outgoings Portal (access through the student's UoC account only), along with detailed information on each university.
Unser Alumnus Johannes Partz hat, an der Universität zu Köln, BWl studiert. WiWi Gast schrieb am 16.08.2018: CEMS is a good program because of the network (universities & companies) and the structure (mandatory semester abroad at a top tier university, internship abroad).

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