Tool-wise, here's what you'll need: Needle-nose pliers Wire cutters Wire strippers Good-quality solder Soldering iron Reverse-action tweezers A Phillips-head screwdriver A Digital Multimeter (DMM) Rat-tail file A pile of books to prop the chassis up on THE AX84 COOPERATIVE TUBE AMP PROJECT Great projects and information, plus a very friendly and helpful forum. The Gilmore Jr and Ardmore kits are uniquely voiced amps. Beware, this is the opposite of almost every other Guitar World guitar amp review! DUNCAN’S AMP PAGES This site features a tube data search engine and best of all, a Tone Stack Calculator. 2nd order harmonic distortion is a positive--and is considered one of the characteristics of a good guitar tube amp. As a DIY musician who plays trash blues, I could give a rat’s heiney about the fine minutiae of frequencies and tube bias. This is THE BEST place to begin if you’re new to DIY.

In preamp stages, the plate resistor determines the loadline slope. Since the guitar signal phase is inverted with each preamp gain stage keeping the heaters in phase will help 60Hz heater hum self cancel. I like to plug a guitar into anything, shove a slide on my finger and write songs. -- The Cathode bias resistor ( Rk) All tubes require the grid (signal input) to be negative in respect to the cathode. The Gilmore Jr or Ardmore Kit is an excellent choice for those who are building for the first time, yet challenging enough for those who have built before.

THE BLUE GUITAR A ton of amp schematics and modification information. Welcome to Guytronix DIY Guitar Tube Amplifier Kits – featuring the Gilmore Jr Kit (1/2 Watt and 2 Watt) and the Ardmore 8 Watt Kit.No Clones Here! Heater phase for preamp tubes isn't critical but I do wire them in-phase.

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