(to come) We him tomorrow. 3. By 2050, researchers will have found a cure for cancer. For that purpose we use would, was/were going to, past continuous, would be doing, was to do, was going to do, etc. 4. 1.

6. 5. Object + will + be + verb3 (past participle) Will + object + be + verb3 (past participle) Something be done by someone in the future. This time tomorrow I will be having a discussion with my boss. Future perfect – grammar chart . 3. Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow. (to fly) Answers. Sometimes we are talking about a past event and we want to refer to something that happened in the future at that particular point in the past. (to play) Max will be playing on the computer when his mother comes home.

Do you need help? I will be home late tonight.

Future in the past. Active : We will take the horses to the stable.

6. By this time next year, I ’ll have graduated. English: Future simple or continuous. Shall I help you with the housework? The main aim of this blog is to show the families of our school some of the projects we make both in English and Science, as well as the different festivities related to English speaking countries. 1. 5. Future I going to Future I will Simple Present Present Progressive; bereits bestehende Absicht hinsichtlich der Zukunft: nicht beeinflussbares Geschehen in der Zukunft: festgelegte Handlungen in der Zukunft (Fahrplan) feste Pläne oder Verabredungen, die für die nahe Zukunft gemacht wurden: logische Schlussfolgerung hinsichtlich der Zukunft Peggy to the party on Saturday. Max on the computer when his mother comes home. She (send) Bruno the letter when she has time. 7. By next Christmas we will have lived in this city for twenty-five years. All main forms of expressing the future + was going to / be about to / future time clauses with present and present perfect tenses. I think our team will win. Future tenses quiz 2: will, going to and present continuous Twelve-question multiple-choice quiz with feedback and explanations. 2. When you graduate, your parents (clap) in the audience. The police officer (arrest) the thug after you identify him. 2. I will hit you if you say that word again. The truck (pick up) the money later tomorrow afternoon. Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow. I will phone you when I have time. Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable. (to meet) This time next week he to South Africa. Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Progressive. Grammar and exercises. When you … She will arrive before too long.

Future Progressive.

8. Future perfect: use .

Actions finished in the future We use the future perfect for actions that will be finished before certain time in the future.


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