and "They [Lundahl transformers]... elevates a very good product to an outstanding one." In pursuit of the very popular sound quality of the 300B tube, the result is an improvement to the amplification, power, and feedback circuitry of the TU-8600. My first was a Sansui 1000A receiver. RE: TU-8200 with LUNDAHL LL2764 Posted by Oface (A ) on May 23, 2016 at 19:01:21 In Reply to: TU-8200 with LUNDAHL LL2764 posted by vkung on May 19, 2016 at 22:21:45: In particular we like sentences like: "... even without much run-in, the Lundahl Transformers are a significant Upgrade!" 【製品仕様】 ・使用真空管: [出力管]kt88×2本、[電圧増幅管]12at7(ecc81)×2本 The TU-8600R is a 300B single ended audio power amplifier kit. Elekit TU-8600R - Available only at Amp Camp and for a limited time. Additional assembly service - FULL ASSEMBLY (+ 199,00 €) PS-3249R - USB-DAC converter module. Here is a Cheaptubeaudio review of the Elekit TU-8800 amplifier (VK Audio upgrade version) we cannot resist to share. With 1 vintage 12AD7 (substitue for 12ax7), and 2 vintage Telefunken ECC82, driving my Gold Aero Premium 300B, the TU-8600 right outta box, sounds a little sibilent on voices. The TU-8600 is a 300B single-ended tube amp kit. Note that Bottlehead and most of the Elekit prices include tubes with the exception of the TU-8600.
Elekit TU-8600R & TU-8600RVK 300B Single Ended Tube Amplifier kit The TU-8600R and TU-8600RVK from Elekit in Japan is their revised version of the TU-8600. A commercial Japanese-made amp of this calibre would (and does) sell for several times that much. Tubes pack for TU-8600R / TU8600RVK. An incredibly popular kit they launched in November 2017, this is a limited production so … It didn't took a week from Canada to Germany. A lot of "SSSSSSSSS". This is a special edition for the diyAudio store that includes upgraded 2% REX50G Takman resistors. Elekit TU-8800 – Pentode Single-Ended Tube Amp DIY Kit; ... Lundahl OPT Upgrade Set for TU-8800. TU-HP03 - Hybrid tube headphones amplifier. TU-H82 - Hybrid Tube Amp Kit. The Lundahl OPT's2783C from VK Music arrived.
As a bonus - headphone tap off the tubes so all Elekit amps double as a quality headamp. Nicely packed and wow what a high quality output transformer, makes the Elekit TU 8800 a real jewel. Thank you Victor, super service The Elekit is my second tube amp from Japan. Available Now.... TU-8800 $1185 Takman REX50G 2% Carbon Resistor (85 PCS) $65.00 Mundorf Supreme Silver Gold Oil 0.01 X 2 + 0.1 X 2 $150 Additionally, the upgraded transformers are available for the TU-8800 at launch while TU-8600 owners are still in a holding pattern. elekit tu-8800 lundahlトランスバージョン. The Elekit TU … Elekit continues to raise the bar in the fairly-priced high-end game...this is a tremendous offering. TU-8600R Product Leaflet.
ELEKIT TU-8600S PER-order : AER Driver: RMAF 2018: CAF 2018 Sunvalley Japan . The 8600R has been reviewed by Stereophile and is now a Stereophile recommended component. Review of TU-8600R in March 2019 Stereophile magazine. This is a Wall of Sound Gold Star amp, if there ever was one." Cant stop listening with this amp.
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