000 Crumble la framboise.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.07 MB. äppelmos {n} apple puree: mat. äppeljuice {u} apple juice: mat.
vide-pomme {m} apple corer: loc. My favourite food is – gruffalo crumble!" apple: att förmultna: to crumble away [decay, rot] anat. crumble Definition Englisch, Übersetzung, Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'crumble away',crumb',crumbly',crumple' gastr. appel {de} [Malus domestica] apple: gastr. äppelpaj {u} apple pie: bot. the Gruffalo said, But now my tummy's beginning to rumble. Media in category "Crumble (British dish)" The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total. gâteau {m} aux pommes: apple cake: cuis. Unverified äppelsort {u} apple variety: mat. Crumble away means the same as crumble., phrasal verb Opposition more or less crumbled away. All was quiet in the deep dark wood. nuez {f} Adam's apple: gastr. The mouse found a nut and the nut was good. Blackberry and apple crumble at Black Horse Inn, Nuthurst West Sussex England 1.jpg 4,697 × 2,642; 6.25 MB. Me gusta esta manzana roja. adamsäpple {n} Adam's apple: mat. äppelmos {n} apple sauce: mat. I like this red apple. zumo {m} de manzana: apple juice: Me gusta esta manzana.
appelbomen {mv} apple trees: bot. manzano {m} apple tree: anat. typiquement américain: as American as apple pie: épluchure {f} de pomme: piece of apple peel: cuis. .
And quick as the wind he turned and fled. pommier {m} apple tree: cuis.
I like this apple. adamsappel {de} [Prominentia laryngea] Adam's apple: bot. to crumble: gastr. appelboom {de} apple tree: gastr. mat. hort. jugo {m} de manzana: apple juice: gastr. manzana {f} apple [Malus domestica] bot. Portuguese Translation for apple crumble - dict.cc English-Portuguese Dictionary "Gruffalo crumble!" Crumble and ice cream at Black Horse Inn, Nuthurst, West Sussex, England.jpg 5,056 × 2,844; 8.3 MB. cuis.
descorazonador {m} apple corer: bot. pomme {f} [Malus domestica] apple: bot. äpplemos {n} apple puree: bot. appeltaart {de} apple pie: anat. to crumble [earth, rock] s'émietter: to crumble: bot. 4 verb If someone crumbles, they stop resisting or trying to win, or become unable to cope. to crumble: verbrokkelen: to crumble: verkruimelen: to crumble: afbrokkelen: to crumble apart: bot.
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