Mit 'Live With' schaltet ihr ab sofort einen Facebook-Freund zu euren Live-Streams dazu. Crea un account per iniziare a condividere foto e aggiornamenti con le persone che conosci. Join your friends’ tables and play instantly. I'm excited about the new Live Creative Kit for Facebook Live videos.
Bis vor kurzem stand Facebook Live ausschließlich auf iOS-Geräten zur Verfügung. Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.
Facebook is now opening up the ability for users to invite a friend for a collaborative broadcast. Download Backgammon Plus for free, and play with your friends. Add intros, extros, stickers, effects and take your live streams to the next level on Facebook…
Create an account or log into Facebook. You can go live on a Page, in a group or an event, and your live videos will also appear in people’s News Feed. At this point, the SDK is set up, and your application can pass app install events to Facebook for measurement and tracking purposes.
46 306 en parlent. Backgammon Plus is played and liked by hundreds of thousands of players on Facebook. On aime ou on déteste Facebook mais l'application pour Android est plutôt bien conçue et agréable à utiliser pour les adeptes. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Win thousands of free Chips every day! 37 Facebook-Kommentare von Leuten, die am Leben vorbeirennen Facebook Live auf Android nutzen. Double the stakes and make new friends. Facebook Live with Multiple Presenters: How to do 2 person broadcasts! Connectez-vous à Facebook pour commencer à partager et communiquer avec vos amis, votre famille et les personnes que vous connaissez. 151 K J’aime. Facebook Live is fast becoming the de facto Live streaming platform for instant engagement with your audience… They’ve been rolling out new features and functionality at an incredible pace the last 12 months, and they’ve now just enabled multi-party live streaming! Live video broadcasts on Pages and Workplace can use the non-encrypted standard RTMP protocol until November 1st, 2019, after which RTMP will no longer be supported.When starting a broadcast, the API response will include an RTMP stream URL which can be used for non-encrypted streaming to …
- facebook/facebook-android-sdk QUICK PLAY Start playing right away with a single touch.
[App Description] CameraFi Live is an Android app for live streaming on YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook that can help streamers to broadcast high-quality videos easily with their mobile.
La page Facebook officielle de l'émission présentée par Julien Courbet, du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 11h sur RTL Nach wenigen Schritten erscheint dieser dann live als Bild-im-Bild mitten in … Chat with other players while you play. How To connect your Mobile Phone or Tablet to your TV Wirelessly using SCREEN MIRRORING - Duration: 2:38. Ça peut vous arriver.
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