VIKINGS season 6 is approaching its midseason finale and fans are curious to know more about Ubbe's wife, Torvi. Who is Torvi and is she based on a real Viking Queen?

Vikings, which will end its run after a total of 89 episodes, is currently halfway through airing the back 10 episodes of its 20-episode fifth season, with the finale slated for Jan. 30. Achtung, Spoiler zu Vikings! HISTORY'S drama series ''Vikings'' returns for it's final part of season 6. The injury Bjorn sustained during the battle with the Rus in the Season 6 midseason finale seems more severe. It will continue from Episode 11 of season 6, and will go all the way to Episode 20. Les fans seront heureux d’apprendre que d’autres épisodes sont prévus dans cette série.La série 6 devrait comprendre 10 autres épisodes, ce qui portera le nombre total d’épisodes à 20.

Season 4, Part 2 and Season 5, Part 2 both debuted in late November of 2016 and 2018 respectively, so we expect a similar return date for the second half of Season 6.

Für alle Vikings-Fans ist heute ein wichtiger Tag, denn das Midseason-Finale der 6.Staffel erscheint bei Amazon Prime Video. Quand l’épisode 11 de la saison 6 de Vikings sortira-t-il ? Vikings: That Massive Season 6 Death, As Explained By The Show's Creator A premiere date for the second half of Vikings Season 6 has not been announced.

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