The majority of our members are located in the Chicago and suburban Chicago areas. Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club. And thank you for visiting the online home of the Yankee Golden Retriever Club. Serving northeastern Maryland and northern Delaware The objectives of the Norcal Golden Retriever Club are: To encourage the members to perfect, by selective breeding, Golden Retrievers that possess the soundness, temperament, natural ability, and personality that is reflected in the standard of the breed, and to do all possible to advance and promote the perfection of these qualities. Buying a Golden Retriever is a long-term commitment, and shouldn’t be an impulse decision. GRCI is a member club of the Golden Retriever Club of America and is licensed by the American Kennel Club. The Club publishes a newsletter, Retriever Reflections, and sponsors events year-round that emphasize and encourage Labrador Retriever owners to enjoy the versatility of this breed. And we hope you share our love of Golden Retrievers. Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club. We hope you find the information contained within this site entertaining, informative, and fun. GRCI is a member club of the Golden Retriever Club of America and is licensed by the American Kennel Club. Through local Golden Retriever Clubs that are “Member Clubs” of the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA).
Welcome to the Golden Retriever Club of America The Golden Retriever is a very versatile cheerful dog that enjoys participating in many activities and events. Buying a Golden Retriever is a long-term commitment, and shouldn’t be an impulse decision. Our puppy referral volunteers will be happy to give you more information about purchasing a Golden Retriever from a reputable breeder.
We hope you find the information contained within this site entertaining, informative, and fun. Go to Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) and learn how to differentiate a reputable breeder from a breeder that produces puppies for money. Our responsibility is to promote the temperament, appearance, soundness, natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. Our meetings are open to all but only members can bring their dogs. Our Members are golden retriever owners, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, and judges. If so, we would like to tell you a little bit about the Golden Retriever Club of Hawaii, Inc. (GRCH). HVGRC is made up of Golden Retriever lovers in and around New York’s lovely Hudson Valley including other areas of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Host : Lenape Golden Retriever Club Date and time: 7-11-2020 (formerly 4-4-2020-rescheduled due to COVID 19 restrictions) beginning at 830AM Location: Suburban Dog Training Club, 1011 E Willow Grove Ave, Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Fee: $75 24 entries accepted by first… Host : Lenape Golden Retriever Club Date and time: 7-11-2020 (formerly 4-4-2020-rescheduled due to COVID 19 restrictions) beginning at 830AM Location: Suburban Dog Training Club, 1011 E Willow Grove Ave, Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Fee: $75 24 entries accepted by first… And we hope you share our love of Golden Retrievers. If you have any suggestions to make our web site more valuable, please send us a quick e-mail. The Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club (GGLRC) is located in California's San Francisco Bay Area and has over 70 members. The GOLDEN GATE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB. The objectives of the Norcal Golden Retriever Club are: To encourage the members to perfect, by selective breeding, Golden Retrievers that possess the soundness, temperament, natural ability, and personality that is reflected in the standard of the breed, and to do all possible to advance and promote the perfection of these qualities. Our Members are golden retriever owners, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, and judges. Serving northeastern Maryland and northern Delaware Our puppy referral volunteers will be happy to give you more information about purchasing a Golden Retriever from a reputable breeder.
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