This will be the first Handball Championship with 32 teams instead of 24. Auch die Junioren-WM 2023 findet in Deutschland statt. The 2021 IHF World Men's Handball Championship will be the 27th event hosted by the International Handball Federation and held in Egypt from 14 to 31 January 2021. Le Championnat du monde féminin de handball 2019 est la 24 e édition du Championnat du monde de handball qui a lieu du 30 novembre au 15 décembre 2019 au Japon, sept mois avant Jeux olympiques de Tokyo.C'est une compétition organisée par la Fédération internationale de handball (IHF) et la Fédération japonaise de handball qui réunit les meilleures sélections nationales.

Der DHB erhält den Zuschlag für die Austragung der Frauen-WM 2025 und der Männer-WM 2027. “From 2023 to 2027, we will be hosting major handball events in Germany almost continuously. Denmark will … On this foundation, we can all together turn the 20s that have just begun into the decade of handball.” says Andreas Michelmann, President of the German Handball Federation.

It's the first championship to be hosted outside of Europe since 2015. Prvo svjetsko prvenstvo organizirano je 1938. godine u Trećem Reichu, nakon čega je uslijedila pauza do 1954. godine, kada je Švedska organizirala drugo po redu prvenstvo. IHF Svjetsko prvenstvo je međunarodno rukometno natjecanje u kojem se natječu muške rukometne reprezentacije. These are great opportunities to celebrate handball, build up stars and firmly anchor our sport in society. The chairman of world’s handball discussed with the leaders of Croatian handball about many interesting topics, among them, wish of Croatia to organize Men’s IHF World Championship 2025. This will be the third championship hosted in Africa and second in Egypt. The President of International Handball Federation Hassan Moustafa visited Croatia, where he was a guest of the Croatian Handball Federation.

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