IBAN Rechner Landesbank Berlin - Berliner Sparkasse, BLZ 10050000. It was founded in 1818, and in 1920 was integrated with Girozentrale Berlin ( Landesbank Berlin AG ). The BLZ and Kontonummer are no longer used for bank transfers as the IBAN is the only format of bank account numbers in the country.
There are 2 diffrent Bank branches for the Bank BERLINER SPARKASSE - LANDESBANK BERLIN AG.On the website SwiftcodesDB, We have extended and updated database of the SWIFT Codes, below are the SWIFT Code for the Bank BERLINER SPARKASSE - LANDESBANK BERLIN AG. Each countries and banks will have a different IBAN. The basic structure of the British IBAN is described below: DEKK BBBB BBBB CCCC CCCC CC. phone: 0800.292 7587 (toll-free service number) fax: 030.8644 2810 email: service@bwb.de Contact us. An IBAN is an internationally-agreed code made up of up to 34 letters and numbers that helps banks make sure that international transfers are processed correctly. address, contact numbers etc. Berliner Sparkasse is one of the largest savings banks in Germany. The bank is a subsidiary of Landesbank Berlin AG, a long-standing banking institution founded in 1818. The length of German IBAN is always 22 characters. Landesbank Berlin - Berliner Sparkasse BIC (Bank Identifier Code) bzw. Swift Code BELADEBE Breakdown; SWIFT Code: BELADEBE or BELADEBEXXX: Bank Code: BELA - code assigned to BERLINER SPARKASSE - LANDESBANK BERLIN AG: Country Code: DE - code belong to Germany: Location Code: BE - code represent the institution location: Code Status: E - E means active code: Branch Code: not assign or XXX - code indicate, this is a head office Internationale Kontonummer (IBAN) bei Landesbank Berlin - Berliner Sparkasse mit der Bankleitzahl 10050000 berechnen bzw. Click on the bank name to find out the full bank details i.e. Despite enormous competition from within Germany and abroad, the … It provides all kinds of day-to-day and investment services, financial and insurance advice, and an … For more information about integration of our services please visit Developers Center. Bank: Berliner Sparkasse IBAN: DE58 1005 0000 0990 0072 00 für Nebenleistungen (Rechnungsbeträge für Arbeiten am Hausanschluss und an der Wasserzähleranlage, Laborleistungen) IBAN Checker provides a free demo of our IBAN SUITE service. Integrate our IBAN SUITE service into your own ERP,CMR,service or software. IBAN Structure. SWIFT-Code (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). LBB - Berliner Sparkasse BLZ 100 500 00 BIC BELADEBEXXX
K = MOD 97 (ISO 7064) Checksum. View more information about Plans & Pricing.
Read on IBAN Example page for sample of IBAN for each countries. Berliner Sparkasse, the Savings Bank of Berlin, is one of Germany’s major savings banks. 3. Berliner Wasserbetriebe Neue Jüdenstraße 1 10179 Berlin.
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