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Tom Colvin; Sign in to view the Song Number and Original Key Available Content. It is one of the best-selling singles of all time in the UK, and has sold 1.87 million copies as of November 2015. Melden Sie sich an und schreiben Ihre Bewertung für dieses Produkt! Intro Mary's boy child Jesus ChristWas born on Christmas DayAnd man will live for evermoreBecause of Christmas Day Verse 1 Long time ago in BethlehemSo the Holy Bible saidMary's boy child Jesus ChristWas born on Christmas Day Chorus Hark, now hear the angels singA king was born todayAnd man will live for evermoreBecause of Christmas… Jester Hairston: Mary's boy child (Denn es ist Weihnachtszeit) - Chorpartitur. Vocal. Visit us on FB: Download this song as PDF file (For printing etc.)

This version returned the song to the top of the UK chart. Christmas lyrics with chords for Marys Boy Child Christmas Songs and Carols, lyrics with chords for guitar banjo etc.

Lyrics. That Boy Child Of Mary. Now Joseph and his wife, Mary, come to Bethlehem that night, them find no place to born the child, not a single room was in sight.
Damit erleichtern Sie anderen Kunden die Entscheidung beim Einkauf und helfen Ihnen das geeignete Produkt zu finden. Lyrics Preview Please sign in to see the lyrics preview for this song. Philip Sparke schuf eine gelungene Umsetzung der traditionellen Gospelmelodie Marys Boy Child für Blasorchester, die schon von vielen berühmten Künstlern und Gruppen, wie z B Jester Hairston, Harry Belafonte oder Boney M interpretiert wurde Jetzt kann sich auch Ihr …

Mary`s Boychild Chords by Músicas Natalinas. Marys Boy Child Chords Highlighted Show chords diagrams MARY'S BOY CHILD Bb Gb Long time ago in Bethlehem, Ab Db So the Holy Bible say, Db Gb Mary's boy child Jesus Christ Ab … One of the best-known cover versions of the song is from the German-based disco-group Boney M. from 1978, "Mary's Boy Child – Oh My Lord." G (original key) G# (half step up) A (one step up) G C Am Long time ago in Bethlehem, D G So the Holy Bible say, C Am Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ, G D G Was born on Christmas day, C D G Hark, now hear the angels sing, Em7 Am7 D A new King born today, G C Am7 And man will live for evermore, G D G Because of Christmas day. Chords Lead. Ukulele chords for Boney M. - Marys boy child. By and by they find a little nook in a stable all forlorn, and in a manger cold and dark, Mary's little boy was born. Es sind noch keine Kundenbewertungen für "Mary's boy child " verfügbar. G Oh my lord, you sent your son to save us Oh my lord, your very self you gave us D Oh my lord, that sin will not enslave us, G And love may reign once more.

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