He was a HYDRA scientist who was assigned to be a lab assistant for Doctor Octopus to help with creating the Anti-Venom, and later got turned into a human-vampire bat creature by Doc Ock. Morbius is a Marvel Comics character and supervillain who appeared in Ultimate Spider-Man, voiced by Ben Diskin. Origin Edit. Dr. Michael Morbius, Ph.D., M.D. is a character from Marvel Comics, serving as an enemy to Spider-Man, Blade, and Ghost Rider. A foreigner with a devoted passion of science, Michael was an Empire State University science student and Peter Parker's main academic rival. Um sich zu heilen, verwandelte er sich in einen Pseudo-Vampir. Morbius dijadwalkan akan ditayangkan di Amerika Serikat pada 31 Juli 2020. Morbius adalah film pahlawan super Amerika Serikat tahun 2020 yang didasarkan karakter Marvel Comics bernama sama.Film ini diproduksi Columbia Pictures dengan kerja sama Marvel dan disalurkan Sony Pictures Releasing.

Bio: Dr. Michael Morbius war ein brillanter Biochemiker und litt an einer degenerativen Blutkrankheit, die seine roten Blutzellen zerstörte. Michael Morbius was a student turned vampire..
He was a biogenetic scientist who was dying of a blood-destroying disease. Morbius ist ein Time Lord, der einst den Hohen Rat von Gallifrey anführte.. Morbius will die Nichteinmischungspolitik der Time Lords beenden, um seine Eroberungspläne in die Tat umzusetzen. A brilliant biologist, Michael Morbius experimented with blood, but when one experiment went out of control, he was transformed into a vampire like being who needed to feast on the blood of the living. He injected himself with radioactively altered vampire bat DNA, and it transformed him into a living vampire. Michael Morbius (most often just named Morbius) is an antihero (and sometimes villain) who is a living vampire in the Marvel Universe.. Der lebende Vampir. Biography. Accept this vow, then: If I must drink blood, let it be the blood of the corrupt -- of those who deserve to die.The bloodof the guilty.-- MorbiusPower and Stats .

Obsessed with ridding his small country of a disease, which he believed was being carried by vampire bats he began testing on them.

Als lebender Vampir leidet Morbius an einem unstillbaren Blutdurst, der ihn in Konflikte mit vielen Helden, vor allem mit Spider-Man, verwickelt hat.

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