None of these individuals are currently stationed in the Arctic, but their absence is expected to disrupt the aerial component of the research, as all affected members are from the airborne component of the mission. About MOSAiC. Sie überwintern in einer Region, die in der Polarnacht nahezu unerreichbar ist. It is the largest exploration expedition to the Arctic of all time: trapped in ice, the German research vessel Polarstern drifts for a year through the Arctic Ocean. Ein Jahr driften Forscher aus 19 Nationen auf einer Eisscholle durchs Nordpolarmeer. Each week, we'll provide you with short engagements (5-15 minutes) to connect your classroom to the MOSAiC research expedition.

We still want you to submit your questions, and we'll continue to feature them in MOSAiC Monday. Auf der MOSAiC-Expedition erforschen Wissenschaftler aus 20 Nationen die Arktis im Jahresverlauf.

Check back here every … The new MOSAiC team starts in May from Bremerhaven. The MOSAiC expedition will continue despite the Corona pandemic thanks to the support of the German research vessels Merian and Sonne. In this regard, the team can draw on the lessons learned by Russian researchers: after all, on a much smaller scale than MOSAiC, since 1937 Soviet and later Russian researchers have set up more than 30 small ice-drift stations in the Arctic Ocean, which also had to be resupplied by air. Allein die Naturgewalt der Eisdrift bietet ihnen diese einmalige Chance. Usually each week we feature one or two #askmosaic questions you've submitted to us with answers from MOSAiC expedition team members. Are you an educator who wants to connect your classroom to one of the most extensive Arctic research expeditions ever conducted? The MOSAiC expedition can continue despite the current challenges. We know you don't have a lot of extra time on your hands, so we want to make it easy for you. "MOSAiC" ist die größte Arktis-Expedition aller Zeiten.

A team member of the expedition known as MOSAiC has tested positive for COVID-19, resulting in the quarantining of 20 other team members, reports Nature News. Rob Rember, a researcher at the International Arctic Research Center and UAF’s science lead on the expedition, expects that MOSAiC will multiply the amount of existing data by a factor of a thousand. As a result, the more than 300 participating scientists from 20 countries can gather and evaluate important measurement data for the first time throughout the year, including during the Arctic winter.

However, this week we want to ask you to send us something in addition to your #askmosaic questions. As such, Russia has substantial knowhow on making landing strips on ice floes.

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