Synopsis. Welcome to the Golden Pond Country Store! This year, their adult daughter, Chelsea (Jane Fonda), visits with her new fiancée and his teenage son, Billy (Doug McKeon) on their way to Europe. On Golden Pond Chalet - $115 avg/night - Almond - Amenities include: Internet, Air Conditioning, Hot Tub, Fireplace, TV, Satellite or cable, Washer & Dryer, Children Welcome, Parking, No Smoking, Heater Bedrooms: 3 Sleeps: 8 Minimum stay from 3 night(s) Bookable directly online - Book vacation rental 621880 with Vrbo. Am goldenen See ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahre 1981 unter Regie von Mark Rydell.Er entstand nach dem Theaterstück Das Haus am See (Originaltitel: On Golden Pond) von Ernest Thompson.Das Melodram gewann drei Oscars: Für Thompsons Drehbuch sowie für die beiden Hauptdarsteller Katharine Hepburn und Henry Fonda, wobei es Fondas letzte Kinorolle vor seinem … Cantankerous retiree Norman Thayer (Henry Fonda) and his conciliatory wife, Ethel (Katharine Hepburn), spend summers at their New England vacation home on the shores of idyllic Golden Pond. If you find anything on our advertisements, websites, or information brochures misleading or untrue, please share your experience with us to ensure our immediate attention to the matter. The loons are back again on Golden Pond and so are Norman Thayer (Academy Award® winner Henry Fonda), a retired professor, and Ethel (Academy Award® winner Katharine Hepburn) who have had a summer cottage there since early in their marriage.

L'établissement cette cabane accepte-t-il les animaux de compagnie ? ... On Golden Pond (1981) Full Cast & Crew. Norman is a curmudgeon with an estranged relationship with his daughter Chelsea. Located near the shores of Squam Lake in Holderness, N.H., the Golden Pond Country Store is the perfect place to stop for a home-cooked meal, snack or pizza. In 1981 Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn filmed the Academy Award winner “On Golden Pond” on beautiful Squam Lake. Itinéraire Shiloh - Golden Pond Calculez rapidement votre itinéraire depuis Shiloh jusqu’à Golden Pond avec ViaMichelin. L'établissement Golden Pond Two-Bedroom Holiday Home accepte ces cartes et se réserve le droit de bloquer temporairement une certaine somme sur votre carte avant votre arrivée. On Golden Pond is one of the best dramas of the eighties, mainly down to the extremely strong performances from the perfectly selected cast. The woman comes with her new boyfriend and his son, but the relationships between Norman and his daughter have never been good. On Golden Pond and its management accept no liability for any claims of bookings not confirmed by us. We offer a variety of great foods for the entire family. Golden Pond was a town in western Trigg County, Kentucky, United States.It is now the site of the headquarters of Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, 11 miles (18 km) west-southwest of Cadiz.Golden Pond was established in the 19th century and became known for its moonshining activity during the Prohibition era. Affichez tous les hébergements à Kempt Head. FAQ concernant Golden Pond. Plot – The Thayer's leave the city and retire to their home on Golden Pond. The Inn On Golden Pond, a top rated New Hampshire Bed and Breakfast and Wedding & Event Venue, is located at the northern edge of the Lakes Region and in the foothills of the White Mountains.

A popular quote from its second chapter: Despite all the films that Henry Fonda has starred in, I believe this is possibly his best effort as an actor, managing to portray all the characteristics required for Norman with great finesse. Affichez tous les hébergements à Kempt Head. L'établissement cette cabane dispose-t-il d'un parking ? Golden Pond exists only in our hearts and imaginations. Plus de 30 ans se sont écoulés depuis que le film On Golden Pond a fait connaître au monde la beauté naturelle des lacs Squam, au New Hampshire. Norman is turning eighty-years-old and to celebrate it, the couple invites their divorced daughter. Le temps est venu de les redécouvrir. With Katharine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda, Doug McKeon. Oui, un …

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