Progressive tenses use the BE verb + a verb in ~ing form. The past progressive tense describes an ongoing event that happens in the past. Introduction. You just need to know about one subtlety with pronunciation. The past progressive tense can be used to: 1. If you know how to use Spanish reflexive verbs, it is straightforward to form reflexive verbs in the Spanish present progressive.
Past progressive use. In the examples below, the verbs in past progressive tense are set in bold, whereas the action that occurred is underlined: Past Progressive - Past Continuous. The negative in the past progressive tense is created using was not or were not + the ing (present participle) form of the verb.

It is often used to set the scene for another action. Past Progressive Structure. In Spanish, the past continuous or past progressive is used to talk about continuous actions in the past, especially when they are interrupted by another action. Note: In general, use these contractions in the negative: wasn’t, weren’t. Before reading through, make sure you are familiar with the usage and rules of this tense – visit the Past Progressive Tense page. What I left out of the previous section was how to form the present progressive using reflexive verbs. Describe an action that was happening when another action interrupted. The simple past and the past progressive, also past continuous, are used to express actions in the past.We use the simple past as the narrative form of the past to express completed, sequential actions. The past progressive is for these “ing” cases, in the past. The action is still in progress, so it is a progressive verb. Note: the Past Progressive … The core structure is the exact same as the present progressive, except instead of the present tense of estar, we’re using the past (imperfect) tense. Present participles are the forms of the verb that end in ing. How Do You Use the Past Progressive Tense . It uses the past tense of the helping verb, ''to be,'' with a verb in the present participle, ''verb + -ing''. Ella estaba comiendo I will be sleeping at 11:00 p.m. tonight, so don’t phone me.. We use while to focus on an action happening at a specific time. All progressive verbs are formed with a form of the verb be (am, is, are, was, were, been, being) and the verb's present participle. Save the long forms for when you want to create emphasis. The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the –ing form of a verb: We use the past continuous to talk about the past: for something which happened before and after another action: The children were doing their homework when I got home. to be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing. There is a very easy recipe for making these verb forms. We were go ing for a walk at six o'clock. While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.. The past progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing activity in the past. This tense is most similar to the imperfect, but places even more emphasis on the ongoing nature of an action. When to Use the Spanish Past Progressive Tense To describe something that was happening. The Spanish present progressive – reflexive verbs.

It is very easy to form, and it is even easier to use … We use the past progressive to say what was happening at a particular moment in the past, to set the scene and to emphasise duration of a past action.
I have already mentioned a couple of times in this post that the Spanish progressive tense is one of the easiest tenses in Spanish. Examples past progressive - continuous. The following examples of Past Progressive tense will help you understand and use this tense properly and naturally. I was read ing a story. This page has lots of examples of the past progressive tense, explains how to form it, and has an interactive and printable exercise worksheet. Forming Past Progressive. Compare: The children did their homework when (= after) I got home. For instance, “I was walking” (yo estaba caminando). Therefore, the most natural verb tense to use is a progressive tense, which shows that an action is in progress at a certain time.

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