For Munich and Vienna tickets are not included in the program fees. Print timetables | Data validity © 1999-2013, About authors. Public Transport.

by Prague Morning. Munich, Vienna and Prague all offer very good public transport. write us | Bus Portal. This page deals with all things related to use of Prague public transport including trams, trains, metro, city buses and funicular. Students and Seniors to Get Further Discount on Public Transport. Ranks 30 Out Of 162 Countries on Economic Freedom Of The World Index. Participants will receive more detailed information in the student guide that they receive via email to prepare for the program. A Student's Guide to Prague Public Transport From magnificent architecture through characterful local districts to tasty local food, there is so much waiting for you to enjoy. Student House Botic is an ideal place for you to live your student life to the max. The Prague City Transport Authority (Dopravni Podnik – DP Praha) network covers the whole city of Prague and includes trams, city buses and metro (subway). Czech Rep. MENU Toggle navigation Charles University (CU) and the Prague Public Transport Company (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy, a.s., hereafter “DP, a.s.”) have signed an agreement on the use of CU student cards in Prague's public transport system (“PID” in Czech). You can purchase tickets for individual journeys, but if you are staying for longer, consider buying more advantageous day tickets, two-day tickets or week tickets or even a long-term travel pass. Large cities have an efficient system of public transport using tram, bus or trolleybus. In addition to short-term tickets, 24 and 72-hour passes are available for purchase. Depending on the length of your stay, this may be your most worthwhile option. Prague has an excellent public transport system, which consists of an integrated network of metro, trams, buses and funicular railway. Prague has one of the best public transportation systems in Europe. Vlkova 810/43, Praha 3 - Žižkov, 130 00 … Being independent does not mean being on your own. We advise students to buy them after arrival right away. in English. Agreement between Charles University and the Prague Public Transport Company . However, before beginning your journey, remember this is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself … MENU Toggle navigation

Prague has an excellent public transport system, which consists of an integrated network of metro, trams, buses and funicular railway.

The residence is located right next to public transport with easy connections to the city centre, and is surrounded by shops, cafes and restaurants. *** Pictures of public transportation can be dramatic too. Prague Public Transport 90-Minute Tickets (Long Ride) Adults: 32 Kč ($1.46 USD) Children 6-15: 16 Kč ($0.73 USD) Children Under 6 and Seniors 70+: Free. Prague Public Transport Short-Term Tourist Passes.

Students and visitors of the CZU have free parking at reserved parking spaces on the campus of the CZU. In Prague, the locals know this, and only fear the trams. Broadcast in English Broadcast Archive . Public transport. September 25, 2018 Read Next. Public transport. Prague also has a subway. Students under the age of 26 are entitled to discounted transport rates with various public transport providers - It is possible to buy a discounted student Prague public transport card (so called "Lítačka") directly in the CZU campus. This discount will apply from … The Prague Public Transit Co. (DPP) will begin selling travel passes at a further discount to students under the age of 26 and seniors from 60 to 65 years of age. It is common practice to walk out in the middle of a busy street and expect cars to stop for you, but trams are another story entirely. The metro especially makes getting around town a breeze since it enables you to cover long distances in a matter of minutes. Vienna Broadcast in English Broadcast Archive . The metro, trams and buses are used by two-thirds of Prague’s population and cover the majority of the city and outskirts. Situated in the city center, Vlkova residence is perfectly positioned to explore Prague both walking or using public transport. in English.

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