Present Perfect vs. You must always use the Present perfect when the time of an action is not important or not specified. Present Perfect © 4. Simple Past vs. The Present Perfect tells us about the past and the present.
John ..... (not call) me recently. 2.

They have eaten Thai food. We arrived yesterday. The present perfect continuous is formed with have/has been and the -ing form of the verb. simple past tense – n. the basic form of the past tense in English. It is used to describe events that finished at a specific time in the past. The Past Simple tells us about the past, a time which is finished.

You must always use the Simple past when details about the time or place that an action occured are given or requested. 5. 6. PRESENT PERFECT We can say that something hasn’t happened for a long time or since a specific time in the past. GapFillTyping_MTYzMTc= Level: intermediate. Present perfect continuous.

Simple Past. We often use a past expression (last week, yesterday, when I was a child, etc.) Includes all the main uses of the present perfect simple: unfinished action/state up until now / unfinished time period / past action with present relevance.. Free to download and use in the classroom. We haven’t had a party for ages. United have won the Cup, so it’s theirs now. ... Past Simple / Present Perfect Simple . Last year is in the past.
(NOT We’ve arrived yesterday.)

Present perfect and past simple 1. Compare : Present perfect Simple past; I have lived in Lyon. Present Perfect When do we use each tense in English? I lived in Dubai when I was a child.

Present Perfect vs Past Simple! We lived Japan in from 1995-1998.

We normally use the present perfect continuous to emphasise that something is still continuing in the present: She has been living … He has bought another car.

MultipleChoice_MTYzMTU= Present perfect and past simple 2. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple. Simple Past vs. The past simple tense is used to express finished time; In contrast, the present perfect tense describes unfinished time.

He bought another car last week. When did the accident happen? Giving details in past simple We use the present perfect to introduce a past event or experience, but if we continue talking and we give details, then we use the past simple. Past Simple / Present Perfect Simple – Answers A 1. haven’t eaten 4. didn’t recognise 2. arrived 5. has been 3. have worked 6.

They ..... (buy) a new car last month. Learn the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect Tense in English with useful grammar rules and example sentences. 1. Board and dice game with 22 squares, each containing a question that must be completed with the past simple or present perfect. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

I lived in Lyon in 1989. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

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