1) Andy _____the family car. 5.
Mary (play) _____ tennis every day. a) dos b) does c) do . a) wash b) washes c) washs .
English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets.
2. Ted is taking a shower right now. 3Daisy loves chocolate. b) in 2004 . Andy drives too fast 5We have lunch at two 6It never snows in Cairo. 5) Mandy and Susan _____films every weekend. That's the way how to form Questions. wird zu –ie-: I try -> he tries. 3) Mr. Black _____e-mails in the evenings. Bei have lautet die dritte Person Singular: he/she/it has. Ein y nach einem Konsonanten (!) a) write b) writes c) writs .
4) The girls _____the shopping. Tutee’s Simple Present Tense Booklet (Tutor’s copy in Tutor Manual pages 103-118) Simple Present Exercises Exercise 1: Circle the keywords and fill in the blanks with the simple present in the affirmative.
Click here to download this exercise in PDF.
Grammatik [DAS SIMPLE PRESENT] 5 The simple present – Aussagesätze – Lösungen EXERCISE 1 1. g) yesterday .
2. 3.2 Simple Present Spelling Rules: -s and -es Endings 1.
11 Charlie doesn't play golf. Simple present exercises pdf 4.
7We have lunch at two.
We like Pizza. a) already .
f) two days ago . Nach einem Zischlaut (s, sh, ch …) oder nach o hängt man -es an: you wash – she washes.
Answers are at the bottom of the page.
I am not solving some math problems at the moment. 6.
d) last week .
How to use the Simple Present (Example: to 'like') I like Pizza. (to know) You visit London every year.
I never tea. a) get up b) get ups c) gets up .
E - Which answers are correct?
PRESENT’SIMPLE’VS’PRESENT’CONTINUOUS’EXERCISES’ ’ 1.Put’the’verbs’into’the’correct’tense’(present’simple’ORpresent’continuous):’ 4. Simple Present Tense - free English online grammar exercise.
My grandfather often comes over for dinner at the weekends. I´m sure you know the answer.
You like Pizza.
He/She likes Pizza. 2) Every morning my mother _____at 6 o'clock.
My brother has a daughter and a son.
They like Pizza. 4. Present Simple or Present Continuous? e) now . You look great. My school begins at nine every day.
2) Which words are used with the Simple Past? A - Put in the correct verb forms. 1) Which words are used with the Present Perfect? Present Tense .
The question word (what, ...) always comes first!. Online English grammar exercises for students and EFL or ESL teachers - present simple with short answers. 3.
d) last week . Questions with am - is -are - can - must - have got Home; Worksheets; Grammar; Tenses; Tenses . 3.
3) Which verb forms are used with the Present Perfect? Present Simple Questions. Add -es to verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -s, -x, and -z. wash–washes dress–dresses buzz–buzzes EXERCISE. 2. My friends always (eat) _____ lunch at the cafeteria. Simple Present - Test 1 .
Complete the following sentences with the verbs in the correct form: wake(s) up / open(s) / speak(s) / take(s) / do(es) / cause(s) / live(s) / play(s) / close(s) / drink(s) Nicole hand ball very well. Fill in the correct form of the verb.
All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. The library at 8:00 in the morning. f) yesterday . 1. Add -s to most verbs. Worksheet 2 Answers: 1. e) tomorrow . close–closes love–loves stop–stops dance–dances open–opens take–takes exercise–exercises play–plays write–writes feed–feeds put–puts work–works 2.
7. Levels of Difficulty: Elementary Intermediate Advanced . b) ever . c) just . g) yet .
(to visit) He/She … You like Pizza. 8They watch football on Saturdays 9Jane and Carla play rugb y on Sundays 10 They don't say much. 4. Answers 1I live in Godella.
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