min, max,average, standard deviation etc.

Learn how to create BEx Queries! End the course with practice exercises to review your knowledge. Certified as SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence consultant. According to the Excel formula the month of May has an average of 43, according to the Bex Analyzer it has an average of 16.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the key figures differ between the Excel formula and the result from the Bex Analyzer. From Bratislava, Slovakia. Understand the key tools and function and then easily create comprehensive reports and analytics using SAP's Business … Inverse Normal Distribution function SAP Bex Query Hi All In BEx Query designer there are different aggregation types available i.e. BI102 SAP BI BEx Query Designer. IF statement in BEx queries ... Labels: BEx, Query Designer. More information.

In comparison the average value with the Excel formula AVERAGE.

You will learn how to create front-end reports in the SAP BEx Query Designer and run those queries within SAP Business Explorer Analyzer discovering meaningful insights about your data residing in BI/BW. how can i get the average then ? The queries created can be displayed as data providers for Web applications, reports, and workbooks and can be displayed ad hoc in the BEx Web Analyzer.

for formula or calculated key figure.There are not any additional statistical functions such normal distribution, inverse no This is a large deviation. After completing this course, you will be able to design queries using the BEx Query Designer. Hi All, i have a query based on monthly period, i need to get an average from january to my input in variable e.g : if i run put the period June on selection screen then the average should be "" total / 6 "" and i f i put the period July on selection it should be ""total /7"" and so on. Working as a Business Intelligence consultant (at percept ltd.) in SAP area specializing on SAP NetWeaver (BW, BI). The Query Designer is a desktop application for creating queries, and plays an important role in the Business Explorer Suite. Target Currency Selection with Translation: This option can be used to determine the target currency through a selection variable at the time of query execution, in order to use this option a variable should be defined in the conversion tab of the amount key figure in the query designer. Calculating Daily Average Stock Quantity or Value in BeX Query Designer. SAP BEx Query Designer and Analyzer. Retagging required.

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