Global warming is killing the Great Barrier Reef, study says. SAVE THE CORALS. is the epic story of Australian and international scientists who are racing to understand our greatest natural wonder, and employing bold new science in an attempt to save it. Professor Gregor Hodgson, head of Reef Check, is the author of a recent paper that reported that only one reef out of 1,100 examined worldwide was in pristine condition. It is home to many threatened species including marine turtles, manatees and the American marine crocodile. Professor Emma Johnston is a passionate diver, leading marine biologist, and board member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. WHEN Geplaatst in Natuur. Race to save the reef: Full documentary 'It's a planetary catastrophe' Marine scientist predicts ecological collapse. Professor Emma Johnston is a passionate diver, leading marine biologist, and board member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. The controversial documentary 50 Minutes to Save the World was released last week with an intro from Aquaman’s Jason Momoa at the premiere at Kualoa Ranch in Hawaii. The reef is the second largest in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Reef Check, one of the partners for Coral Reef Adventure, is a reef-monitoring program based at UCLA's Institute of the Environment. Celebrate Earth hour 2014, save the GBR. A documentary about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, screened for Earth Hour on the 29th March 2014. “SAVE THE CORALS” is a special project that is very close to Marco Ilbruck’s heart. The Great Barrier Reef as we know it -- 8,000 years old -- is dying in our lifetime. "Planet Earth" was the first natural history documentary to be filmed in high definition, and now a decade later improved technology has made it possible to capture further details, from elusive animal behaviors to previously inaccessible remote landscapes. This eye-opening film is a project of SaveTheReef supported by the charity community Karmagawa. From the frozen tundra in the north to the dry forests of the equator, Sir David Attenborough narrates a compelling view of the planet. Can We Save The Reef? Off Australia's northeast coast lies a wonder of the world; a living structure so big it can be seen from space, more complex than any city, and so diverse it hosts a third of all fish species in Australia. is the epic story of Australian and international scientists who are racing to understand our greatest natural wonder, and employing bold new science in an attempt to save it. SWIM WITH MI’s "Coral Check" was developed to represent this exceptional project. Professor Johnston concludes that science will NOT save the Reef as it is today or restore it to how it was 30 years ago. Save the Reef - Guarding the Galilee Documentary We will be screening the documentary Guarding the Galilee to raise awareness of how destructive this coal mine will be if it is built. Can We Save the Reef?

Can We Save the Reef? In ‘Save the Reef,’ young filmmaker sought to inspire rather than discourage The documentary "Save the Reef" will premiere Thursday at Kualoa Ranch. It shows local business people and how their lives will be affected - if the Great Barrier Reef … Save the Reef - 'Guarding the Galilee' documentary Showing of the Guarding the Galilee documentary to give insight into how harmful building this mine will be. Mumbai: In a special half-hour documentary, CNN’s Ivan Watson dives underwater to see the impact of climate change on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef – damage, which one expert claims, could trigger a “mass extinction”. (Image: Save the Reef) Founded on the Maldives – the founder of SWIM WITH MI determines a strong message regarding our environment.

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