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Annette Templeton, USA | Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Grenoble Ecole de Management. University of Innsbruck, Department of Management, Innsbruck, A Main Academic Interests: Strategic Leadership Leadership and Long-Term Success Emotional Intelligence Non … Wie sie von der LIMAK Weiterbildung bereits profitiert, berichtet Geschäftsführerin Mag. I am extremely happy that I made the right decision to pursue my DBA study with Grenoble. Astrid Lamprechter, MBA im Magazin „DIE SALZBURGERIN“. Rome Business School is a member of Planeta Formación y Universidades, an international network created by De Agostini and the group Planeta, that embodies a strong commitment to university education and vocational and lifelong training. I am better able to address strategic decision-making challenges now. Qi Deng, China | DBA France (Grenoble) Info-Events ›› Université Paris Dauphine Information Meeting on EDBA.

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