Join Stockholm Business School (SBS) for our international summer school programme. The EU Business Summer School is specifically designed for current university students and recent university graduates of any academic backgrounds aged 18+ who are interested in business and considering applying to a business grad school or starting up their own company. Register. There are some of both in this collection of the best business ideas for students.

Do you want to learn more about finance and banking? Summer programs. HEC Paris Summer Programs are geared toward high achievers with a business orientation, entrepreneurial mindset and passion for discovery. Learn more about current topics in business administration and at the same time get to know Stockholm, Scandinavia's business and cultural hub. For some students, a business summer program may be a chance to gain initial experiences with learning about topics and concepts in this area. … Utrecht Summer School is the perfect starting point to study and widen your perspective.

Inclusive and Social Business Strategies. Business and Climate Change. You can plan to start a seasonal business that you can pack up and close down at the end of the summer when you go back to school, or you can choose a business that allows you to continue running the business (on a reduced scale) throughout the year. Skip to main content Newsroom ... Summer School Webinars May 15, 2020.

Harvard Summer: A Photo Essay.

Midway through my final year, I decided to enroll at Harvard Summer School, so I’d be around during the summer in Cambridge—which I’d … The Summer School welcomes participants studying at Master and Bachelor levels as well as young professionals. Study at one of the top-ranked business schools in Sweden! The academic content has been adapted from EU’s MBA offerings to allow you to prepare for your professional future. Digital Marketing. Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, due to the COVID19 pandemic postponed until summer 2021. The International Summer University Programme (ISUP) was established in 1999, and at present it draws approx. 20 course(s) found, Sort by: title | code | credits | start date.

2000 participants from more than 50 countries - international exchange students, freemovers, students from CBS and other Danish universities as well as professionals seeking to further develop their knowledge and skills. Youth Leadership Initiative . Business summer programs can provide an opportunity for high school students to explore a variety of topics in this field. HEC Paris Summer School Programs are two-week, intensive programs offered in English. Entrepreneurship - The Start-up Studio. New dates for summer 2021 to be announced soon! L. Brent Gilmore, Harvard Extension School degree candidate, shares his summer experience in pictures. Utrecht Summer School offers various courses within the field of Business. Business Courses Are you interested in the theory of entrepreneurship? Windesheim, together with Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and La Salle-Ramón Llull University (Barcelona, Spain) organizes an exciting Summer School: Doing Business across Europe. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Stockholm Business School will no longer host the summer programme …

Search . We look forward to welcoming a new generation of leaders to our innovative and intensive Summer Programs.

Corporate Finance.

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