Strategy, opportunities and resilience. Content of this website: The content of this website has been prepared with the greatest possible care. Swiss Re Aktie VALOR: 12688156 / ISIN: CH0126881561. | April 21, 2020 Financial Report 2017 Resilience in action. Earned premiums break down by activity as follows: - non-life reinsurance (50.8%): primarily damage, civil liability, automobile, accident, credit and guarantee, and other types of reinsurance; - life and health reinsurance (33.8%; No. However, LANG & SCHWARZ Tradecenter AG & Co. KG assumes no warranty for the accuracy, completeness or currentness of the content provided, particularly for price, market, exchange or other financial information. SWISS RE analysts consensus, targets, ratings and recommendations | Swiss Exchange: SREN | Swiss Exchange

A final dividend is removed today from Swiss Re's share. 59.46 CHF-0.80 CHF-1.33 % 17:30:09 SWL: Swiss Re Aktie [Symbol: SREN / Valor: 12688156] Kaufen.

Reinsurance “Paying claims is the ultimate value proposition to our clients and policyholders. Messages from some of our senior leaders “The essence of our vision is to make individuals, companies and society at large more resilient.” Moses Ojeisekhoba. Verkaufen. Highlights. Swiss Re is one of the world's leading reinsurance groups. (1) Restriction of liability. CEO, Reinsurance. Kurse + …

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