COVID-19 restrictions to continue in Sri Lanka until Tamil New Year PTI | Apr 6, 2020, 13:49 IST Buddhist nun walks on an empty street in Colombo on April 4, 2020. Image Source. The peali Rituals associated with the Aluth Avurudda begin with bathing on the last day of the old year and viewing the moon on the same night. In view of the dawn of Sinhala and Tamil New Year, the New Year at the Naval Quarantine Centre in Boossa on 13 th April 2020, organized a milk boiling ceremony and musical evening . Banyan Sri Lanka’s new president is putting soldiers in charge of everything Never mind the damage to national reconciliation after a long civil war Asia May 14th 2020 edition As it is a public holiday for all so from young to old all rush to streets in pursuit of pleasure. The Sinhala & Tamil New Year in Sri Lanka (Aluth Avurudda අලුත් අවුරුද්ද or Puthandu புத்தாண்டு) celebrates the end the harvesting season. The festivities begin by drawing kolams (rangoli) with rice paste in the front yard of houses and boiling milk mixed with rice, jaggery, and spices. The Sinhala and Tamil New Year (Avurudu in Sinhala), has become an important national holiday for both Sinhala Buddhists and the Tamil Hindus of Sri Lanka. The calendars provided here can be used by anyone to stay organized and plan their schedule month-wise throughout the year. Sinhala & Tamil Nadu New Year Festival is basically a New Year festival mutually celebrated by Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus residing in Sri Lanka. Sinhala and Tamil New Year; Public Holidays in Sri Lanka 2020. The dawn of the New Year is based on the sun’s astrological movement from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries), bringing to an end the harvesting season. Colombo: The stringent measures taken by Sri Lanka to stem the spread of novel coronavirus will continue until the Sinhala and Tamil New Year on April 14 and a team of experts headed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa will monitor the COVID-19 crisis till it is brought under control, the President’s Media Division has said. The civil war in northern Sri Lanka ended more than a decade ago, but Shan Raj's ancestral home is still surrounded by a fence of barbed wire.

PDF. It is estimated that 40,000 to 70,000 Tamil civilians were killed in the final months alone, and this constitutes only a fraction of the total deaths, destruction and displacement suffered by the Tamil community during its 70-year political struggle for equality and justice in Sri Lanka. Celebrated for 3 days starting from the first day of Thai (the 10th month in Tamil calendar), this is one of the important harvest festivals in Sri Lanka 2020 where families pay tribute to the sun god for a bountiful harvest. * Sri Lanka curfew update: curfew imposed during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year in all districts Sat, Apr 11, 2020, 09:01 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. See above picture of Sinhala & Tamil New Year Festival.
The New Year which is known as ‘Aluth Avurudha’ in Sinhala, and ‘Puththandu’ in Tamil is celebrated by both communities through various rituals and customs. to keep a record of different activities for the month.

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