Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "transit visa" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. (2) You must make sure that the same travel document which was used for applying online visa is used for entering into Sri Lanka. Airport Transit in Germany Article Citizens of certain countries need to apply for an airport transit visa, which authorizes them to pass through the international transit zone at a Schengen State airport and to await a connecting flight to a non-Schengen country. A valid passport and visa are required to transit through the United Kingdom. Those with the intention to travel on to another country within 24 hours and will not be going through UK boarder control are eligible to apply for a Direct Airside Transit Visa. Beijing Visa Transit FAQ Foreign travelers landing in Beijing Capital International Airport usually require a visa to enter China.

transit visa Durchreisevisum {n} Durchreisesichtvermerk {m} Transitvisum {n} [Kurzform: Transit]travel transit zone Transitzone {f} Durchgangszone {f} damaged in transit {adj} [postpos.] Airport transit visas are only good for short stopovers while you are waiting a few hours for your onward flight in the airport's international transit area. However if you will be staying in Beijing for up to 72 hours and remaining within a specified geographical area then it is possible to arrange a visa-free stay. You are required to pay for the visa again on arrival in case of any inconstancy in above particulars. However, hotel accommodation is only available outside the transit area. The acceptance of Visa Contactless at the point of access to public transport services is growing around the world, reducing the need for traditional tickets or travel smartcards. transit visa in anderen Sprachen: Deutsch - Englisch English - Finnish English - Hungarian English - Russian You must recheck / crosscheck above information to ascertain that they have been entered correctly. Nous vous invitons à consulter la page dédiée du site des services d’immigration hongkongais pour connaître les formalités correspondant à votre cas. Germany’s central position in Europe means that it has become a hub for international airport transfers. ... Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Les autres visiteurs étrangers n’ont en général pas besoin de visa pour séjourner à Hong Kong jusqu’à 7-90 jours selon leur nationalité. Transit Visa Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa … Transit. Please apply for a regular tourist visa if you want to stay at the airport overnight. Germany Airport Transit Visa Fee Just as for every other type of visa, when applying for an Airport Visa, the candidate will have to pay a fee in order for their application to get processed. A German Transit Visa enables its holder to switch their flight in Germany, to a non-Schengen country. German Airport Transit Visa. Going through UK border patrol for any reason including to check in luggage on to another flight would make one ineligible for this type of visa and the traveler …

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