Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for YouTube Replica Play Button Plaque Sub Award Fake Faux Silver Gold Frame Picture at the best online prices at eBay…
Since few years, the platform is offering rewards to the creators in the form of YouTube Play Button. YouTube was said to be focusing more on big creators earlier. Can anybode tell me to whome i could send an … I won't lie, I have lost motivation. Der Play Button ist das Symbol von YouTube sowie auch eine Auszeichnung und wird in vier Typen vergeben. The tool below lets you configure an embedded subscription button. These are distinct from the YouTube Awards, which were intended to recognize the best quality videos. I contacted youtube regarding monetization and they replied that compilations are against their guidelines.
The award consists of a flat silver trophy in a metal casing and a YouTube play button symbol, as well as featuring the creator channel name's embossed on it, along with the message "Congrats for surpassing 100,000 subscribers."
Silver play button is achieved at 100,000 subscribers.
When I passed 100,000 Subscribers sometime last year I had no idea I missed an email congratulating me from YouTube. YouTube Play Button – 3 Different YouTube Creator Awards.
RATE AND REVIEW Gold Silver Bronze YouTube Replica Playbutton Award Fake Play Button Wall Plaque keep going this is awesome idea.
I have respected all YT rules and i don't know what the problem is and how to solve it. I will show you how and where YouTube notifies the creators to redeem the Rewards.
Creator Awards (more commonly known as Play Buttons) act as a reward for content creators hitting a chosen number of subscribers as being recognized by YouTube. You can set the button's display options, preview the button, and copy the code needed to insert that button on your page.
Silver Play Button Get 100,000 Subscribers and YouTube will send you a Custom Silver Play Button to show off! Uploaded only two videos in last 2 years. I've been wanting to buy one for a while cuz I hit my mark a while ago I think it's awesome only for what you get and if you want to see the unboxing video what's on my YouTube page killingerk google it This award is solely based on the Subscribe count of the channel – Build Your Audience and Get Awarded as simple as that.
There is also a Diamond play button achieved at 10,000,000 subscribers. Gold play button is achieved at 1,000,000 subscribers. Subscribe Button. Its been almost 2 years for the silver play button which I never got. YouTube hat selbst eine offizielle Seite zu den Play Buttons, die jedoch nur den Silver Play Button, Gold Play Button und Diamond Play Button beeinhaltet. Once your channel qualifies for a YouTube creator reward like silver Play Button, Gold Play Button or even Diamond. Once the qualified channels reach the required numbers […]
The Silver Play Button is the first play button award delivered to YouTubers with 100,000 subscribers as part of YouTube's Creator Awards.. It turns out that when you pass 100,000 Subscribers YouTube reaches out to you to honor you with a framed Silver Button. What is it: YouTube has recently introduced an Awards program to recognize the success for all the YouTube creators around the world. The channel is not a compilation videos channel. However, YouTube recognized the need to focus on up and comers and introduced a reward system for creators.
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