We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. He shared his humble background and praised the people he worked with. These struggles cause full time assistance and usual doctor visits. the appeal to emotion. This man was Lou Gehrig and he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which was later given the nickname, Lou Gehrigs Disease. In this optimistic speech, Lou Gehrig describes how living with a deadly disease can still be enjoyable so that he can display, Throughout the course of American history, there have been copious amounts of famous speeches, spoken by many different people. The Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Activity Packet, I Have a Dream Close Read and Rhetorical Analysis, September 11 Address to the Nation Sampler, September 11 Address to the Nation Rhetorical Analysis Unit. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and on July 4, 1939 Gehrig stood before his devoted fans at Yankee Stadium and announced that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. When examining the history of baseball, Lou Gehrig remains one of the most highly respected and most inspirational figures in the game. Pausch also talks about his family, and love for his wife. "I Have A Dream" Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, "Space Shuttle Challenger" Speech by President Ronald Reagan, "Speech at the Washington March" by Josephine Baker, "Farewell to Baseball Address" by Lou Gehrig, "Gettysburg Address" President Abraham Lincoln, "911 Address to the Nation" by President George Bush. assume youre on board with our, https://graduateway.com/lou-gehrig-speech-analysis/. 12 Test Bank - Gould's Ch. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most influential African-American activists in American History and was a key participant in the Civil Rights movement, the goal of which was to provide full civil rights to all rights in America. Lou Gehrig was one of the best baseball players to ever play the game. I say that because he used that to capture the audience's attention. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Imagine that one of the greatest baseball players ever had to retire due to a life threatening condition, later to be named after him. This rhetorical moment was not the first of its kind. In the third paragraph, Gehrig goes on to use repetition again to show how blessed he believes that his life is. As he is orally speaking to many insprired fans, he repeatedly uses the phrase, "Sure I am lucky." Lou Gehrig's "Farewell Speech" - A Rhetorical Analysis, Tarek Z. Ageeb Washington warned against a government with an unmoderated political party system (Spalding 75), Ronald Reagan warned of the effects of an America devoid of patriotism. Always regarded as one who could pull through anything, Gehrig finally made it clear through this speech that battling this disease was going to be the hardest battle yet and it would prevent him continuing to do what he loved which was play baseball. Rhetorical Analysis Essay-Lou Gehrig Luckiest Man Speech, A Look to the Future: Civic Issues on Natural Gas, Hydraulic Fracturing, The Truth of a Disputed Topic, Civic Issues: Aging Pipelines Pose Danger, Natural Gas: Gas Lands Presents the Evils of Fracking. He was playing fullback for his High School football team. ALS is a neurological disease that attacks the bodys neurons that control voluntary muscle movement (Amyotrophic). In Reagans address, he uses many rhetorical devices to advance his purpose of unifying America, for instance, Reagan utilizes tone, syntax, and pathos to portray his pride, hopefulness, and patriotism for America. Being a Missouri native, Angela Juergensmeyer grew up watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball with her family and enjoying every minute of it. This can be seen in the last line of the speech when he states America is not the world and if America is going to become a nation, she must find a way-and this child must help her to find a way-to use the tremendous potential and tremendous energy which this child represents. During the 1960s, the group of people was treated poorly than another group of people. Gehrig was stricken with ALS, a disease that causes the muscles to atrophy or essentially become inoperable. Perceptual and Motor Skills 104. For example on Babe Ruths 60th home run (when he broke the record) he hit a home run on the very last pitch. Still pother researchers have speculated that Lou Gehrig did not actually have ALS at all, but actually had a different disease of similar symptoms (Miller 8). Farewell Speech. She new a inconsequential amount of information about Mark McGwire before his debut with the Cardinals but never really watched him play until his first year with the Cardinals in 1997. $3.00. Study Resources. Gehrig appeals to pathos, ethos and uses repetition in order to thank the fans and convince the public that he is not to be pitied. In the second paragraph, Gehrig uses repetition and the phrase sure, Im lucky to express how blessed he feels that he has had the opportunity to associate himself with certain men throughout his career. Washington believed threats such as political parties, and associations with foreign alliances could weaken the nation. President Eisenhower, in his address to the country, more specifically the people of Arkansas, discusses the inevitable situation involving racial segregation occurring in Arkansas. From political figures to sports players; these people have provided deep thoughts and great insights about who they are and the world we live in today. Though he knows he will shortly die, he believes that he really is the luckiest man alive. He brings us together in this sorrowful time in order to remember those who died because We mourn seven heroes (Reagan, 1986) and We mourn their loss as a nation together (Reagan, 1986). htm&. American International School of Cape Town. Also, the builder of baseballs greatest empire, Ed Barrow? When the boy and his father arrive at the ballpark, Lou walks to a podium and begins to talk. Marx, Jean. Lou Gehrigs play that season started to declined though due to his concern for his mother while she was in surgery. He used many rhetorical elements in his speech and his legacy still lives on today especially in the ALS community. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Word Document File. Cavicke, Dana, and Patrick J. OLeary. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. I think that trying to find a connection to the current day situation of ALS would be an interesting twist on what others have said about the speech. Lou Gehrig was the only son of two hardworking German immigrants. The son of German immigrants, Gehrig was the only one of four children to survive. Did you know of a great baseball player, that was also, a wonderful man that helped african-americans fight racial violence? Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/lou-gehrig-speech-analysis/, Lou Gehrig Played First and Last Games of Consecutive Streak at Yankee Stadium, Patch Adams speech critique assignment Speech Analysis, King George VI in the Kings Speech by Tom Hooper Speech Analysis, Reflection on Atty. Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech: "Fans, . The Farewell Speech has had a lasting impact on sports and popular culture. After his retirement he came back to Yankee stadium for one last farewell. With Honors. logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) Gehrigs speech can be found on the list of top 100 speeches because of the humility that Gehrig showed and because of how it led America to the shocking realization that no one is invincible. humility, and grace. Lou Gehrig delivered a great speech on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium on July 4th, 1939. Prompt: Write an essay in which you analyze how the George Bush administration uses rhetorical devices in the speech. The fist technique that Lou Gehrig uses is repitition of key phrases. Its message of gratitude, His farewell address is a perfect example of Obamas mastery of discourse as it is chock full of oratorical devices. it has helped to cement Gehrig's place in the pantheon of American sports heroes. During his years of playing baseball, Hank Aaron received many death threats on his way to break Babe Ruths homerun record. Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech is a powerful and emotional address that was delivered He was substantially more gifted on the baseball field as opposed to conveying speeches. He was an advocate for equality between all races and a civil and economic rights Activist. Web. Lou Gehrig was a renowned baseball player for the New York Yankees in the early 1920s. Abel, Ernest I. Obamas message to the American people and to the rest of the world is that it is essential that we maintain a sense of what it means to have a democracy and that in order to maintain peace and, During Gehrigs baseball struggles he voluntarily took himself out of the starting lineup because he was in such a bad slump. Lang Summer HW Rhetorical Analysis #1: "Lou Gehrig - Luckiest Man Speech" Despite being diagnosed with ALS, a crippling disease that leaves victims crippled and helpless, Lou Gehrig uses many examples of his teammates and close family members to assure his fans that, although he has. Many researchers have attempted to find a cure for Lou Gehrigs disease but have yet to find one. Gehrig's Farewell Speech also contains an appeal to ethos, or the appeal to the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS for short, is a a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function, usually killing the person in two to five years. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, Another important rhetorical device that Gehrig employs in his Farewell Speech is, logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. Lou Gehrig, first baseman for the, New York Yankees, star baseman to coaches, brother to his teammates, husband, to Elenor Gehrig, friend to many, role model to children across the country, the, greatest baseball player ever to fans and the luckiest man on the face of the, earth to himself delivered what is considered one of the greatest speeches ever. 9 Apr. I always knew that as long as I was following Babe to the plate I could have gone up there and stood on my head. He was known as the iron horse for his endurance and ability to play through injuries. 2 (2010): 1-11. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not freethe Negro is sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chain of discrimination, (King 261). Civil rights is an emotional subject for those who were affected by it, and MLK is proving his argument on civil disobedience. 5100 (1993). Lou Gehrig had been playing major league baseball for seventeen years and is one of the most well thought of players in the game. After realizing that the crowds initial reaction would be the desire to revolt violently, Kennedy knew he needed to subdue their immediate emotional reactions and make them respond rationally and peacefully. Rather, the Farewell Address is a Presidential tradition, started by George Washington, that every president takes part in before leaving office. His usage of rhetoric strategies such as ethos, pathos, and metaphor support his statement that he is both lucky, and fortunate, even with a debilitating disease. The former Yankee player used ethical and emotional appeal during the course of his speech to touch the hearts of thousands of fans who loved and respected Americas beloved pastime. of his Farewell Speech, but it is likely that he was feeling a mix of sadness, frustration, and I am dying soon, and I am choosing to have fun today, tomorrow, and every other day I have left. Gehrig uses many words with a positive connotation, which help create his positive tone. writing your own paper, but remember to RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF LOU GEHRIG FAREWELL SPEECH ADISON SITTIG SITUATION Exigence Audience Purpose Situation Lou Gehrig was a famous Yankee baseball player who was diagnosed with what is now called Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS. Gehrig played in the same era with greats like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio. sadness of baseball fans (Anderson, 2013). Hence, people connected to this speech because here was a man who had experienced hardship upon hardship and yet still. That was what happened to the legendary Lou Gehrig. No one would have noticed the difference. You and your group will collaborate to write a Rhetorical Analysis essay via this Google Docs [COPY SHARE DOC] template. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Leni Robredos Speech Speech Analysis, President Richard Nixons Resignation Speech Speech Analysis, Goal of Oklahoma Bombing Speech Speech Analysis. Rather, than focusing his speech around his illness, Gehrig instead talks about being the. Many key elements contributed to the emotional appeal of Gehrigs speech; first, he was finally addressing the reason why he was retiring from baseball, which was because of a life threatening disease known as ALS. It was quite some journey for Jackie and he managed to live quite the impactful life (Purvis 366). On July 4, 1939, at the Yankee Stadium a man conveyed a standout amongst the most moving and powerful addresses. Lou Gehrig was a renowned baseball player for the New York Yankees in the early 1920s. Like what Martin Luther King told his audiences they were supposed to have the same. Fifteen days later on July 4th, 1939 Lou Gehrig flew to Yankee stadium in New York and gave his famous, Farewell to Baseball speech. In the first lines of the speech Gehrig grabs the audience's attention with emotional appeal by saying Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I. Thinking about his country before himself a quality he exhibited every day in his life. His father, Heinrich, often had trouble finding work and had poor health. This is one of the most famous speeches in the history of baseball. Gehrig has inspired athletes, children, and adults alike because of the audacity that he held upon the podium that warm day in July. Lou Gehrig was a beloved and famous baseball player for the New York Yankees. Speech Analysis Lou Gehrigs Death. Lou Gehrig exemplifies an effective speech that backs up his purpose. 2 (2009): 16-18. This resource is the answer key to the rhetorical-triangle analysis activity of the Lou Gehrig farewell-to-baseball speech. Gehrig was elected to the Hall of Fame that December. Children, men, and woman across the ballpark cannot believe that this icon, this hero to all American, is dieing as he speaks. He was blessed with an amazing career playing for the New York Yankees setting many major league records such as 2,130 consecutive games from 1925 to 1939. A man who had played baseball all his life had been told that he will slowly start to die within the next few years. This quote relates to my thesis because both of them mean that he had/gave hope and every time he steps out on the field he changes baseball. Although Lou is not persuading anyone in this speech, he is thanking all the fans and spectators for supporting him throughout his seventeen-year career. Lou Gehrig delivered a great speech on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium on July 4th, 1939. He chooses to dwell on the good parts of his life, not his hardships. Yogi Berra 's life was so much more than baseball he served in the Navy and stormed the beach at Normandy on D-Day. View Rhetorical_Analysis_Guided_Notes.docx from ENGLISH 124 at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, Oakville. Patients usually live a few years after the diagnosis. MLK has written many, many speeches and letters in favor of the Civil Rights movement in America, the most famous of them being his legendary I Have a Dream Speech and the monumental Letter from Birmingham Jail. Next, Gehrig was successful in reasoning that he has an awful lot to live for and he shares a personal experience that touches the reader emotionally. Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. This means that every time they throw a strike, he gets more determined to hit a home run. Web. The main point of the speech was for people to remember the great legacy he had and his life. Gehrig was a slugger and was loved by fans for not only for his ability to hit the ball out of the park, but also for his social influence in baseball. He went to college at Columbia on a . This horrible disease also causes the difficulty to speak, move, breathe, and eat. His social impact was seen the most at the end of his career when he delivered a speech, changing the lives of everyone at the ballpark that day. He wasnt only responsible for possibly the greatest baseball era this world has ever seen, he is responsible for paving a way for new African Americans to join the league. The Hamilton Collection Plates Value,
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