Step 2. Lightly dust a smooth work surface with confectioners’ sugar to prevent sticking. Zagladite prvo gornju plohu torte rukom ili gladilicom za fondant. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Potom krenite zaglađivati bočne stranice odozgo prema dolje, stalno povlačeći fondant prema dolje da izravnate nabore.
Pomoću valjka prenesite fondant i položite ga na tortu tako da prekrije gornji dio i bočne stranice torte.
How to Use Fondant.
Mar 1, 2020 - Explore elenakirchner20's board "torte mama" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Torte, Cake and Cake decorating.
Position it on cake.
#motivtoten #fondant #cake #llama #alpaca #torte Informations About Motivtorte Llama Pin You can easily use my profile to examine different pin types. See more ideas about Fondant tutorial, Cake decorating tutorials and Fondant decorations. Motivtorte Llama pins are as aesthetic and useful as you can use them for decorative purposes at any time and add them to your website or profile at any time. 11.03.2019 - #motivtoten #fondant #cake #llama #alpaca #torte #modellieren. 11.03.2019 - #motivtoten #fondant #cake #llama #alpaca #torte #modellieren.
To keep fondant from sticking, lift and move it as you roll. Step 3.
Bitte wasche dir oft die Hände und setze das Social Distancing um. Stay safe and healthy.
Beginning in the middle of the cake, smooth fondant outward and down the sides to shape it. Step 1.
Roll out fondant to the cake’s size.
Jul 1, 2017 - Explore lm_sh80's board "lama" on Pinterest.
Gently lift fondant with rolling pin to move. See more ideas about Torte, Cake and Cake decorating. 11.03.2019 - #motivtoten #fondant #cake #llama #alpaca #torte #modellieren. Schütze dich und bleib gesund.
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