Join one of our select itineraries in the Northwest Passage and save up to 20% per person ! Experience a true adventure through the raw and daunting beauty of the Arctic. Our ship, MS Roald Amundsen, is one of the few vessels capable of navigating the passage in premium comfort.
You will experience the raw beauty of the remote Arctic on this route and visit close-knit communities in Canada and Greenland.
Hurtigruten Nordwestpassage 2021. Since the late 15th century, the search for this fabled seaway through the Canadian Arctic was the holy grail for hardy explorers. Be among the few to sail in the wake of great explorers as we attempt a journey through the legendary Northwest Passage. Follow in the footsteps of legendary explorers who discovered this Arctic water route years before.
Heart of the Northwest Passage. There are records of almost 40 expeditions that sailed these waters. Sail the famed Northwest Passage on an Arctic cruise. August 2021 Dauer: 26 Tage Preis ab: 17.490 € pro Person abzgl. 10 Best Northwest Passage Cruises, Tours & Expeditions 2020-2021 Hurtigruten announced it will offer roundtrip voyages from Port Dover UK in winter 2021-2022, which is a first in the company's 126-year history. This offer is valid December 11, 2019 – February 28, 2020.
This is an expedition for hardy explorers.
von Vancouver, Kanada nach Halifax Abfahrt: 15. Join our explorations of the world for an authentic and immersive experience. Experience the raw and daunting beauty of the Arctic on this rarely-travelled voyage. History is full of attempts to sail this legendary route from Greenland and the Atlantic, through the icy Canadian Arctic, past colourful Inuit villages, all the way to the Pacific. We will be following in the wake of historical explorers like Norwegian Roald Amundsen, sailing aboard an advanced expedition ship bearing his name.
Die Geschichte ist voll von Versuchen, diese legendäre Route zu durchfahren. Hurtigruten Nordwestpassage 2021: Die neue MS Roald Amundsen, das weltweit erste Hybrid-Expeditionsschiff. Hurtigruten offers expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic, as well as coastal cruises along the stunning Norwegian coast. (10:35 a.m. EST) -- Norway-based adventure cruise line Hurtigruten has revealed its largest and most diverse selection ever of itineraries for 2019/2020, including the Northwest Passage … 5% Extra-Rabatt auf alle Buchung bei Emocean. We intend to sail into the heart of the Northwest Passage. Begleiten Sie uns auf einer epischen Reise, weit über den nördlichen Polarkreis hinaus, auf den Spuren von Amundsen und anderen großen Entdeckern. Von Grönland durch den Atlantik und die eisige kanadische Arktis, vorbei an den farbenfrohen Inuit Dörfern, bis zum weit entfernten Pazifik. Join us as we sail far above the Arctic Circle, completing an epic journey in the wake of Amundsen and other great explorers. This remote region is a pure and beautiful landscape of icebergs, sea cliffs, and mountains, and is home to whales and polar bears.
Our advanced expedition ship is one of the few capable of navigating the Passage in premium comfort for a true adventure. Also revealed were 12-day ‘Norway Expedition’ cruises (between October 2021-March 2022) departing out of Dover and visiting ports along Norway's coast. Nordwestpassage Expeditionen und Kreuzfahrten. MS Roald Amundsen. Die Durchquerung der Nordwestpassage mit Hurtigruten ist, wie der Name schon andeutet, Abenteuer pur. Erst Roald Amundsen, den Namensgeber des neuesten Hurtigruten Expeditionsschiffs, gelang es Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts diese Passage komplett zu durchfahren. This voyage from western Greenland attempts to circumnavigate Baffin Island through the entrance of the legendary Northwest Passage. Be among an elite few to attempt a journey through the rarely-traveled and legendary Northwest Passage.
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