Another marvellous evening with our part-time Münster MBA in Marketing students. Youtube; Facebook; Twitter Tel. Master of Science in Information Systems (IS) Digitalization aff ects us all. Münster is made bishopric; Liudger becomes Münster's first bishop, but dies as early as in the year 809. by 850 The first cathedral is completed. We offer practice-oriented seminars as well as lectures, influenced by the latest research. 14- 16 48143 Münster Germany. We provide our students with a thorough education in Information Systems.

The two professionals addressed the latest obstacles Engelhard had to face. Besides the basics, our students can choose from a variety of different tracks for their distinct specialization according to their interests.

The two keen marketers introduced Münster's marketing master students to the challenges of pharmaceutical marketing in a a highly competitive environment. They can minor either in a subject related to their principal field of study or in a … Shopper & Trade Marketing) from Engelhard Pharmaceuticals visited MCM's Sales Management lecture. But Münster also has much to offer in terms of music. Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) graduates might pursue careers as a Market Researcher in research and consultancy companies, a Market Researcher within an organisation, a Marketing Intelligence Expert, Data Scientist, a Customer Intelligence Expert or a researcher at a university (Research Master's & PhD programmes). 1040 Heinrich III is the first king to tarry in Münster; church and women's monastery Liebfrauen-Überwasser are consecrated in the presence of numerous archbishops and bishops. University of Münster School of Business and Economics. Du får en grundig introduktion til adfærdsdesign, så vi er sikre på, at fundamentet er stærkt. Master curriculum in Münster? Vi luger ud i klassiske misforståelser og forsøger at tangere nørdeniveau et par gange uden at miste sansen for, at vi er der for at lære noget, vi kan anvende dagen efter. The Master’s degree course in Business Administration is a follow-on to a Bachelor’s degree course. We provide our students with a thorough education in Information Systems. The Master of Science in Information Systems at the University of Münster is a full-time programme taking place over the course of four semesters and totalling 120 credit points. The School of Business and Economics at the University of Münster and the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen have joined forces to set up a high quality, two-year double degree Master’s programme in Marketing & Information Systems. We offer practice-oriented seminars as well as lectures, influenced by the latest research. See the list of Master's programmes on our Dutch site. International Marketing and Sales - Fachhochschule Münster - study in Münster, Germany The Department of Information Systems at the WWU Münster is one of the biggest and most prestigious Information Systems departments in Germany, and periodic national rankings attest to its excellent reputation. Universitätsstr. Besides the municipal symphonic orchestra, there are numerous ensembles under the umbrella of the university and the conservatoire, as well as private ensembles and an outstanding series of master concerts. Graduates of the double-degree programme Münster-Groningen receive the degrees Master of Science (Major Marketing, Minor Finance/Information Systems) of the University of Münster and the Master of Science in Marketing, Specialization Marketing Intelligence of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. MASTER AND MORE: information about your Masters study. The second part in Münster is founded on two pillars: value-based marketing and finance. Coronavirus:consequences for transition to Master's programmes for Bachelor's students studying at a Dutch university. Besides the basics, our students can choose from a variety of different tracks for their distinct specialization according to their interests. For the transition from the Bachelor's phase to the Master's, the UvA has opted for a so-called 'soft cut' with some restrictions. Together they represent the many facets of our digital future. You learn how to design marketing programmes that create value for both customers and the firm and how to measure the financial implications of marketing strategies. The public discourse is buzzing with a plethora of concepts: digital transformation, data science, and mobile computing are but a few trending topics. Students can major in one of four subjects (accounting, finance, management or marketing). Master curriculum in Münster? : +49 251 83 - 22910 Fax: +49 251 83 - 28399 Social Media. by 1050

The programme is taught exclusively in English.

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