3 Design … Our seven international Mannheim Master in Management (MMM) double degree programs involve spending half of your time studying at the University of Mannheim, and the other half at one of our renowned partner universities abroad. I received first information about the visa application process, course selection, accommodation, term dates around the same time. MANNHEIM BUSINESS SCHOOL (MBS) Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1. Considering to enhance your education in MIM, Mannheim might just be the cue.

your degree from the University of Mannheim and another business school in France, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Canada, Taiwan or the US. You will obtain two degrees: the Master in Management, M.Sc., awarded by the University of Mannheim and a second internationally recognized degree awarded by … Mannheim Master in Management. Discover the world and start in Mannheim. 2 Business Administration Methods & Key Qualifications Decision Analysis; CSR; Applied Econometrics or Empirical Methods Business Economics Business Economics I+II Optional Elective One elective can be selected Master Thesis 44-68 ECTS Flexible Courses 16 ECTS Core Courses 12 ECTS Core Courses 0-24 ECTS Optional Courses 24 ECTS Course Curriculum. Know all the key details in one place. The University of Mannheim is part of a global network: Students enrolled in the master's program in Economics have the opportunity to participate in the double degree program ENTER Research Masters and to obtain a double degree at a renowned European partner university. Our Business School is the most reputed institution of its kind in Germany, located in the heart of Germany and Europe. Mannheim Master in Management If you want to study business administration in Germany, you will not find a better business school than Mannheim. The Program Management of Mannheim Business School provided me with all the necessary information I needed to prepare for my time abroad.

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