An der Haltestelle Universität nehmen Sie am besten den Ausgang zum Universitätszentrum. Starting out. Then you’ve come to the right place! Once you have been admitted to study, your next step will be to enroll formally as a student at the University. Move path to the left Move path to the right. From Stuttgart or Munich: motorway exit "Ulm West", direction Ulm, second exit "Universität" Google Maps, choose destination: "Parkplatz Helmholtzstraße"

*** Subsite für englische Inhalte; Study abroad; Study abroad. C@MPUS is increasingly replacing annotated course catalogs; to find out more on this topic, visit the respective study program websites. Institut für Softwaretechnologie; Software Engineering Group; Teaching. Enrolling at the University of Stuttgart. Vom Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart fahren regelmäßig S-Bahnen der Linien S1, S2 oder S3 ab Gleis 101 direkt zur Universität (vierte Station nach dem Hauptbahnhof).

Studying abroad requires initiative, perseverance, and courage. Reiseauskunft der Deutschen Bahn with destination: "Universität Süd" Tram number 2 toward "Science Park" By car. On this page you will find all the information you need to complete the enrollment process smoothly. Why then do it? Annotated course catalogs describing course contents and registration are used in humanities, linguistics and social sciences. A stay abroad is usually associated with additional costs. To Ulm University By train/tram. Die S-Bahnen fahren dabei in die Richtungen Böblingen, Herrenberg, Vaihingen, Flughafen oder Filderstadt. In these subjects, it is normally possible to choose from different courses. You are interested in spending time abroad during your studies?

Current Courses

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