As the love triangle is formed, the war for keeping or destroying the thinning has started. With Logan Paul, Peyton List, Matthew Glave, Calum Worthy. The thinning 3 continues where it left off. The Thinning 3 - (The Thinning 3); dirigida por Michael J. Gallagher en 2021. The thinning 3 continues where it left off.

Directed by Michael J. Gallagher. Let’s start out with the actual show before we go into why it might not be coming back anytime soon. Peyton List, Michael Traynor, Calum Worthy, Laura Harring, Brooke Nevin, Logan Paul, Lia Marie Johnson, Amy Paffrath, Matthew Glave, Jana Winternitz. After risking her life to expose the corruption of the thinning test, Laina Michaels becomes the target of Governor Redding's Machiavellian presidential campaign. As the love triangle is formed, the war for keeping or destroying the thinning has started. Laina is reunited with Blake but with Ellie. Laina is reunited with Blake but with Ellie.

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