Stem clamp area is 31.8mm. Home » Handlebars - Velo Orange. $75.00. Posted by 1 month ago. $35.00. Porteur Handlebar.

7. $35.00. Porteur Handlebar, Noir. Alt-Bars. Quick View.

$75.00. Anyone with crazy bars, what are your opinions of them? $55.00. SOLD OUT. The "horns" are 23.8mm, so road components such as inverse brake levers and bar-end shifters are compatible. Quick View. This item Velo Orange Crazy Bar 25.4mm Clamp Diameter 22.2mm Main Bar Ends 23.8mm Horns. I’ve found this width to offer as much handlebar leverage as I need to tackle even the roughest dirt trails. Quick View. If you've got pictures, feel free to send them through! ... Crazy Bars. The main bar uses a 22.2mm grip area so MTB grips, levers, and shifters fit. ... and even alt-bars!

Crazy Bars are made from 6061 aluminum and are …

Sort by Whether you're building a city bike or randonneur, choosing the correct handlebar for your riding style and fit is paramount. Quick View.

Close. Handlebars.

Crazy Bars. Quick View.

$65.00. Home » Alt-Bars - Velo Orange. Velo Orange Crazy Bars.

The total width of the Velo Orange Crazy Bar is 666mm. SOLD OUT. Klunker Bar.
I'm thinking of putting crazy bars on my daily driver and I was wondering … The distance between the bullhorns is 400mm which feels really natural for me as a rather oversized human. Velo Orange Crazy Bars. Quick View. UPANBIKE Urban Road Bike Bicycle Retro Handlebar 31.8mm Moustache Shape Wide 640mm.

$35.00. The Crazy Bar Geometry.

Left Bank Handlebar. ORIGIN8 HBAR OR8 MTB ALY FLAT STRONGBOW 31.8x760x15d BK. Sort by Whether you're building a city bike or randonneur, choosing the correct handlebar for your riding style and fit is paramount. Dajia Cycleworks Far Bar Handlebar.

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