accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery

I had no idea the fear of re-rupture would consume my thoughts like it has. sounds great! dont stress. Wish me the best! At this point I still ice most of the day. Felt like a shock in the area of the injury and I have a a lot of tightness in the bottom of my foot. alexander813 The pain level is the same as before the accident. Rick, nice to have you and LeahMichelle to compare notes with since were all going through it about the same time. I am going through this as well but my doctor did say i can put as much as i tolerate, but i am so worried because i am overweight. I had a bunionectomy on my left foot's now Sunday. He did use a flat stone with muscle cream and worked the tendon and scar tissue. I just dont see myself being blue to put weight on. Hes 2 hours away. I am only 10 days post op and still in my splint. I didnt hear a pop, but I felt quite a stretch and alot of pain and tingling in the foot/ankle. Hello Amanda! Do you enjoy reading about celebrities? Hope that was the last of scares with re-tearing.. Not a fun past 3 days. Am now 4 weeks post surgery. Its going to be a long few months. I would like to thank you all for writing and hope everyone a quick recovery. I am happy I was able to read the stories on this page. Let us know how it goes. We are elderly and a little overweight. So, for now, no extra stretching, no walking in a pool, etc. I followed Dr orders exactly as far as no weight bearing and keeping it elevated. One time I felt a ripping and the second time just pain in the tendon and toes (pain the first time too). but dont do it again. Ice is also essential. I have my appt on Thursday. I was certain something went wrong with the amount of pain I felt. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. Im 4 weeks post surgery and am half weight bearing. Hopefully my other foot goes great, its scheduled for November 7th. When I massage that bump it seems to go away but appears after a while again. I was 5 weeks post op after achilles debridement and reattachment - also had the gastrocnemius lengthening procedure. I see your point about walking without the boot this far out. i'm feeling extremely blessed today and just relief that the fall didn't cause any damage. I had a full Achilles tendon rupture, I am now 2 weeks 5 days post op. To make sure, give your doctor a call, theyll let you know if you need to see them earlier, Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has posted about their journey back from their Achilles injury. The pain level seems to be the as before the accident. He had no concerns. I did put some weight on my surgery foot but the hard cast (well not a total cast but hard nevertheless) kept it from flexing. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. He describes the procedure in greater detail in an article in Podiatry Today. I retired 2 years ago and have been remodeling our house so looking forward to the day I can continue. Good luck Muhammed. my surgery Thursday the 10th and I touched ground twice since then, it wasn't painful but I'm alittle concerned cause I have screws in my foot both where the bunion was and tailors bunion was. I gotta say i feel A LOT better,and have hope! I put what felt like my full weight on my injured leg. Right now 4 hrs later it still stings burns. It still hurt like the dickens but there was no damage done. No damage. I cant pull my foot too far back towards my body which makes me think that I still have everything is tact from my surgery? I was so upset as I had been so careful to not put any weight on the leg before, and my doctor was very clear when he said to be very careful of not putting weight or bending the foot. I see my doc on Monday and believe he will let me take one of the two heel lifts out of the boot then. Medication (which I had been off) helped with the pain it was still painful but lessened with meds which was what they told me to look for. The shoe should remain on until seen in the office for your first post-op visit. Hey Hikerdreams, so sorry to hear that you fell. Wow this is the blog Ive been looking for. But It hurt really bad for a few minutes but I popped a pain pill. I was getting on the scooter at the end of my garage and the wheels must not have been on level ground because the scooter started to tip over and instinctively I caught myself with my bad foot (right) with all my weight going forward. Still NWB and using a knee scooter. This site was much more helpful to me than any others. It is a weird feeling. I was fortunate that my surgery site has fully healed at 3 weeks and there was no bleeding but I have yet seen my surgeon. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. I think that my advise to anyone that is recovering, is to really take it easy and rest the leg as best as you can for the 2 weeks post op. But it so happens that the doc told me once I got my foot to go to 90 to start putting weight on it. A few tiny incisions are made in the bones by the surgeon. The back of my leg and my heel are tingling and I just had the feeling. it's starting to hit me now that surgery is November 7th! In my case 6 weeks of it. The fiberglass edge of the cast caused more pain under my toes than the tendon site itself. I must have only put weight on the leg for about 1 second before I caught my balance, but I felt a sharp pain in the Achilles area and lower calf. I had my hard cast taken off about a week, but it had an extreme sharp edge on it that went against my calf and had to come off, so i was put in a boot. UPDATE: Called the Drs. I am seeing my doctor in a few days but I am terribly worried that I screwed the whole thing up. I knew immediately that Id done so because I literally felt it pulling off the heel bone, and it literally sounded like someone tearing fabric in two. Ill do what they tell me but its such a slow process. Ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter incident today. I felt something that I could describe as a stretching or a ripping feeling, and now I have some pain in the incision area. I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. I was able to see my surgeon at noon, after many nervous minutes and concern on his part, he was able to confirm that the Achilles was still continuous, and attached. Regarding the concerns that have been expressed about accidentally putting weight on the affected leg during NWB I did the exact same thing myself last week, twice in one day. Moral of the story for me, no matter what Im wearing my boot even if its a pain in the butt. I was worrying too about getting out ahead of the rush. I'm just trying to be extra careful! Had a fall a week ago with no damage. Post-operation, you likely require crutches, casts, and/or rigid footgear, as recommended by your surgeon. Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! It may also occur if patients dont follow the postoperative directions carefully. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. Placed some weight on my toes (and jammed my good shin against a bar on the scooter - that hurt the most). I am a little overweight and my Dr was worried about how I would handle getting around but I've done great. I am 12 days post op and just had a pretty scary fall. Thank you! office. Other than the top of my foot now hurting I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. I had some intense pain in the Achilles and a stretching sensation but no pop. I too had originally planned on waiting longer between surgeries but because of unfortunate circumstances with my husband's health I need to get back into the work force asap at full strength. it seems like, from my read through of the comments above, the main people that thad re-rupture were ones who fell getting out of the shower or bed and didnt have any type of protection. This too shall pass. Also had me push into his hand and was able to give some force. Or did you for a time? respect of any healthcare matters. Stay positive everyone. 2 days later went in to get the cast off. I has my pre op yesterday and am ready to go. Traditionally, bunion surgery can be quite painful and involve a long recovery. I Had a similar scare as all of you about 3 & a half weeks post surgery. She has difficulty getting out of chairs and cannot hop when using crutches. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Good luck with your progress! Wow, reading these posts have given me a big sigh of relief. Better Choices For Hip Surgery - And Faster Healing And Recovery, Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones: Review Of Orthopedic Surgery Android Apps. Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with screws. It still hurts more than before but trying not to get too anxious about it. I am 10 days post-op and fell after the wing nut on my left crutch caught on my shorts pocket. Im praying I did not re-tear my Achilles. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Its always good to get a hold of your doc in cases like this. Two weeks after surgery and just had the experience of falling off my scooter and intstictively trying to stop myself by putting out my bad foot. Thanks everyone! I really miss being active and mobile. Thank you all for your posts. This seems to be the little oasis we all find after googling accidentally put weight on foot after achilles surgery..ha! @paul. Light stretching and so on. The first 3 weeks coming to terms with it, Click here for the Group Marathon Tracker. Read Also: Orthopedic Boots For Broken Foot. But I know a lot of people fall and slip during the during the nwb stage! Good luck! Yikes! If I felt any severe pain then he would want me to come in. I'm not looking forward to the initial two weeks of elevation and no mobility, but the sooner we start, the sooner it'll be over! Still very stiff which is what concerns me but I am only five months out too. My foot is doing a lot better. Webover the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain Right foot forward, left foot back. Was moving around the house with my crutches, and one of my crutches gave way after I placed it on a piece of material that was lying on the floor tiles. 3rd patient in my surgeons 16 year career that this happened to. Hello Megan! Minimally invasive surgery on 6/14 10 days later stitches came out and it re-ruptured that night. Most are able to walk within a few days of surgery. First of all, dont force yourself into activities that can harm you, especially for the first 2-3 weeks after the surgery. I felt pain immediately, it was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain. Just two days after my bunion surgery I accidentally tripped while in cruthces and ended up putting all of my weight on the foot that was just operated on. And the most frequent treatment for bunions is this one. Was was the result if you dont mind me asking? Hi there first thanks for the posts. Will be far more careful from now on. he says since each day I have pushed things even more. It doesnt hurt much, or constantly, but Im just scared in case I have torn it. Haha. Had ankle reconstruction 2 days ago sent home early as they dont like keeping people in due to Covid. damage in soft cast like splint. Just two days after my bunion surgery I accidentally tripped while in They didnt put me on any type of rehab or did they give me any exercises to do. I thought all that work healing, elevating, icing, for nothing! The repair went well, but my fox wants me to take it slow and allow that tendon to stay nice and tight for longer than the normal protocol. I figured I would share my 2 stories that happened recently so that others can use it for their own. I felt tingling in the toes but no pain really. Today calf behind incision is really sore and had a knot in it. I just got the walking boot on September 21. I appreciate everyones stories and advice by the way, stay strong and patient everyone! I spoke with the doctor by phone, as my Splint is looser due to calf atrophy. My knee and hands hit the ground hardest and I kind of rolled over my hip. My body ended up in a pose sort of similar to a runner at the start of a race. rest and elevate their foot and leg to keep it from moving. take pain medications for discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection. use ice packs on the foot and toe to bring down swelling. wear a surgical boot for several weeks. use crutches or a knee walker for a few weeks. How do I reduce swelling in my foot after surgery? Get Plenty of Rest. I am also two weeks into this. Are you managing to use the knee walker now? Accidents happen. That's progress! I did LV. was very encouraging and relieving. Of course, I was on my knee scooter today after showering and heading to put my boot back on when my dog was playing and bumped me. This blog has kept me sane as I keep freaking out that I re-tore the tendon. The main point he told me was that if you are in a boot or cast, the odds are very slim that you would re-rupture the tendon because your foot cant move in the directions that would cause that to happen. i want to have my left foot done too but im not sure if ill have enough strength to have my current -bad-. Understandably, people cringe at the thought of having their feet cut open. Will try to update after dr appointment. I was happy my wife found this website. I say it because I literally didnt put my foot on the ground so Im not sure how I re-ruptured it. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. She hasnt had any of the types of fall or dramatic slips described by many on this blog. Im slated for my next docs appointment in a couple weeks, but may try to get in earlier so they can take a look to see whether I have done any damage. It was painful when it happened, but no pain after that. In my case the doctor clearly said that if the tissues around the suture get too loose, i will never recover full strength. So hard to grasp the loss of my independence and ability to do my usual activities. Im 64 and 225 pounds and put all my weight down early on. Im in my 4 week post-op and yet in the cast. Was it re-ruptured? Its always best to talk to your doc to know for sure, but the surgery definitely ties that tendon together tightly. That did not feel good! Im still in my boot on the last wedge which comes out next week and Ill be completely flat foot in the boot. Pretty sure I rolled/tweaked my ankle some. Both continued to get worse the rest of day. A bit worried, and wondering if I should call the doc or wait a few day till the 6th. Throbbing and sore today. Im 3 weeks post surgery today - had my stitches out yesterday. Definitely felt that SHOCK. Im now 8 weeks out and able to walk in a boot unassisted. This morning after going to the bathroom I misjudged getting back on my knee scooter and came straight down on my toes of my bad foot. He said he could have pulled me off the operating table by my foot and it wouldnt have come apart. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. I am a week in post surgery and I am in a splint. This allowed me to focus and celebrate my mini achievements through the healing process (rom, going partial to full weight bearing, to walking etc). I swear I am feeling a wet sensation like bleeding from the incision. This happened on a Friday. Wishing you all a speedy recovery! Currently have a splint on. Ive been too chicken to walk even a step without the boot on as ive read so many times that this is sorta when people re-rupture if its going to happen. That said, definitely worth seeing your orthopedist to get a clear picture. He also tested my ability to resist upward pressure on the foot, and because there was some, he was fairly confident that I was fine. Theyre inevitable. To ensure successful bunion surgery recovery: A surgical operation to cut a bone is called an osteotomy. I have been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels fine. The surgical screws are made from titanium or high-grade surgical stainless steel. I dont know If my brain is telling me I already can put some weight in my injured leg or something but now im in panic trying to remember the extend of pressure I did to realize if I could damage the repair. Not only was there no damage, but everything healed very nicely. This thread has been very helpful. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. The typical recovery duration after bunion surgery is 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on the amount of soft tissue and bone affected. Full recovery may take as long as 1 year. When you are showering or bathing, the foot has to be kept covered to keep the stitches dry. Stitches are eliminated after 7 to 21 days. If youre worried about possible problems, you can talk to a specialist at LuxeFoot Surgery clinic. And if you do it right you will be 100%. Injuries after injuries, Hi Im so pleased to find this. I am 20 weeks post op on a full Achilles tear as well. Read our editorial policy. My foot hurts today in the arch but I'm not sure if that's from the removal of the twenty five staples yesterday and bending it to a ninety degree angle to put the cast on. Going faster than I should have, tripped, landed HARD on the air cast. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 736-6001 or visit us here to make an appointment online. I think I rolled it some when I also instinctively collapsed my foot inwards some to avoid putting weight on it as I fell. What Is It Like to Have Cataract Surgery? It will be 10 weeks after my first surgery. Im more worried about damage to a foot that was healing so well. I had surgery Friday, August 5, and stumbled yesterday (August 9) at work. Always contact your doctor immediately if any of the following things happen during bunion surgery recovery: Arthrex Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy System Surgical Technique, SCREW REMOVAL PROCEDURE!! I have my first post op appt Tuesday morning. The first time I had a crutch get caught up in a loose extension cord while at work. Long game. Brain thank you. Once you are comfortable, you can go home with your chosen companion. Im guessing the pain is from is from the trauma of putting weight on it. Of course I put my non weight bearing foot down to catch my self as I was falling to the ground. I reached out again via their messaging system and they wrote back that again if I didnt have severe pain I should be okay but I wanted to get checked out personally so I made an appointment to see the Doc on Monday. Its really great. 1 week post op bunion surgeryweightbearing when? How are you? Bunion surgery wound care. It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. Should I worry? During foot surgery, its common to use screws to hold bones together. Saturday I stubbed toe using knee scooter, lost my balance and fell. Also, I dont know why but my brain is like forcing me to put some pressure on the injured foot like to extend the toes. my dr did say that i am not as swollen as someone would be for being 6 days post op (even with that fall wow! For those going through this: stay positive and take it one day at a time. The main reason I am worrisome is the pain is mostly in my heal where my sutures are reconnecting my tendon. lost my balance and my foot hit the floor. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I also felt that pop that you described. I came down with full weight on my bad leg. I am 7 days post op and slipped today turning on the scooter and tapped my injured foot down. Im a little worried I did some damage or worse re-tore the Achilles. Like you, I wanted to get the surgeries done asap and it was better for my insurance to do them both within the plan year. 8. Still very weak. The same thing happened to me but I wanted to post here to ease somebodys fears hopefully. When I was still NWB and in the boot I took a really bad fall and came down hard on my injured leg hitting the toe on the ground. I Slipped off my scooter and planted the wrong foot. I used to get those weird quick shoots of pain down there, but cant say its happened recently. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. The pain seems to be just in my toes and subsiding since laying back down. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I missed my scooter when trying to get on and fell over it. I actually had another fall yesterday believe it or not. I have my follow up in two days. Judging anecdotally from the stories on this thread, I would guess shes correct. I saw the Dr and everything was / is still ok. Im in the boot during the day and normally have to sleep in a splint, but have not been the past few nights. I think these scooters need to have a better design to make them more stable. The tendon hurt at the time - a bit like it did when the ankle was stretched to go into the new cast. Im about 6 weeks post op, (not good with the medical terms) It happens as we all have stated. Not an expert on crutches yet obviously. I was told a minimum of 56 days NWB. That area is tender. I know that this is a less common rupture so I wonder if anyone else had this particular surgery and accident. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. And the upper part of calf is hard to the touch. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. i did have lots of pain , but immediately iced and elevated. Historically, these procedures have been performed through large incisions, but at HSS, I have perfected two special techniques to correct bunions through tiny incisions. How did it turn out ? !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. He said the likelihood of a re-tear in a hard cast being fixed in some plantarflexion was highly unlikely and even more so being 4 weeks post-op. That one hurt a little. In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. I was getting out of bed and accidentally slid and put some weight on my foot. I was switched to a boot, and did the Thompson test when Id take it off to shower, to convince myself the tendon was still intact it was. Im two week post surgery and I was getting out of my car and lost balance. In the strong majority of cases, there is misalignment of the bone that makes it stick out and become prominent. We were coming out of the theatre, the rows of seats are narrow, and I had to crutch along and then start going up some stairs at an angle. Noticed a small bump off to the side of my tendon by the incision. I guess Ive just been really fortunate because I had very little swelling and really no pain to speak of. My anxiety is working overtime, terrified that he somehow messed up the Thompson test - but I have to have faith that he knows what hes talking about I mean, he literally does this all day. Should I be concerned? Im still nervous as of today as my 2 week follow up is on the 17th. I am 3 weeks 2 days post op for achilles debridement and calcaneal exostomy (sorry for the spelling). I'm currently on the couch crying out of fear! I just fell today off my knee scooter! Just gonna keep hobbling toward that light at the end of the tunnel. Follow your doctors advice and in case of any complication, follow the prescribed treatment. It comes just days after she is believed to have undergone the procedure to remove metal work from her foot. I hope ALL OF YOU have the best recovery possible, and thanks so much for sharing!! I loosen it when Im sitting or laying, but any other time its strapped in. WebThe recovery process for bunion surgery can be slightly longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but differences are in about two weeks maximum. I still had pins in my toes from hammer toe correction and pins from bunion. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. If your injury is slightly above the ankle & is held together with titanium hardware after a few weeks(Id say at least 5 to 6 weeks) its proabably Ok. Hi Serge you will be fine. A good clinician will be able to tell a lot. but now I'm 2.5 months post op and I'm experiencing a lot of pain on the top of my foot. Wishing everyone all the best and feeling 100% ASAP! Take your drugs and walk on the foot. In order to avoid possible problems, there are a few rules you should follow. I appreciate all the stories on this page. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or I am more cognizant of the incision point than before, but no real pain. The information you shared was useful. It was pretty quick but still left me feeling traumatized. I remember thinking I was prepared for my first and how wrong I was. My wrist is a little sore today but not horrible so I'm hoping it's just a. I spent the day with it elevated (was most of the time anyway) icing behind the knee and freaking out that I'd just ruined the surgery. Feels like its getting stronger day to day. Today is exactly 2 weeks since the surgery and I feel that a lot of progress has been made. Back to square one. No real pain but annoyed at my stupidness. And you can setup your own blog if you want to share your journey with us and those who follow. In severe cases mostly involving more elderly patients, resection arthroplasty is often performed by removing the bottom of the toe joint with the big toe left immobilized entirely. Had full tear of Achilles. over a year ago, Guest Glad I found this blog but still nervous.. Like most I fell/put weight on achilles repair. I didnt hear or feel a pop like I did when I did it the first time, Martin, Im guessing you have a huge cast on your leg yet? To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture. Id love to ice it, but the current semi-soft cast is too thick to have ice do any good. Two days later and had a second scooter fall with full weight down on my bad leg. All I have to say is dont be stress and stop researching things you dont want to read or hear because all youre doing is ruining your days to come. If you feel you cant do something then dont try doing it, or at least ask for help. Just gonna take it one day at a time, but I cant wait to start walking again lol. As the joint continues to function out of alignment, the bunion deformity gets worse. Ive been walking in a boot for the past 4 weeks and have gotten pretty good at it. Also, they will ensure long-lasting correction without the possibility of the bunion coming back. My concern now is how stiff it is and the certain sensations I get back there. I've been totally off pain meds for over a week, and only took meds a few times before that. I go to the Doc in two days so Ill update everyone whose reading this one way or the other to provide some feedback then. Im currently in a lot of pain and really worried! Has any one else experienced this with non-detrimental results? I have the same experience as most on here as I had a quick jolt of pain that rain up the back of my leg for about thirty seconds and then it decreased significantly with little aching now. You may even feel a sensation of something embedded under the skin. Ill have enough strength to have ice do any good post-operation, you can talk to your to... Week in post surgery today - had my stitches out today the spelling ) so im traveling! 9. doctor had me push into his hand and was able to tell a lot better and... For November 7th out that i screwed the whole thing up caused pain... Was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain pain, but im not traveling through:... Me a big sigh of relief hardest and i feel that a lot pain. 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Or wait a few rules you should follow longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but any other its. Within a few rules you should follow Dr orders exactly as far as no bearing! Several bones or bone pieces are intended to be held together with.!

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accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery